
class RouteLineColorResources

Contains colors an other values used to determine the appearance of the route line.

The congestion range is to be used if when making a route request you use DirectionCriteria.ANNOTATION_CONGESTION_NUMERIC annotation. The congestion values obtained with this annotation in the route response would be in the range 0..100, 0 being the minimum and 100 being the maximum congestion values. Unknown congestion values will be represented as nullRouteLineColorResources defines 4 ranges:

  • lowCongestionRange: default value spans from 0..39

  • moderateCongestionRange: default value spans from 40..59

  • heavyCongestionRange: default value spans from 60..79

  • severeCongestionRange: default value spans from 80..100 You can specify your own ranges for all of the above using the RouteLineColorResources.Builder. If the ranges overlap, the would fail and throw IllegalStateException. You also need to make sure that all values from 0..100 are covered using these four ranges, else any missing number would be treated as unknown congestion. For ex, if you define the range as follows:

  • lowCongestionRange: 0..39

  • moderateCongestionRange: 50..59

  • heavyCongestionRange: 60..79

  • severeCongestionRange: 80..100 If the route response contains a congestion number 45, it would be treated as unknown because it doesn't exist in any of the ranges specified.

A note on visualizing route line colors: The route line is made up of several stacked line layers. The top most line layer is the traffic line followed by the main route line beneath it. By default both lines have the same width so the traffic line obscures the main line. Also the default route line color and the color used for unknown and low traffic congestion is the same.

Be mindful of this if you change the default route line color because if the traffic data in the route is unknown the route line will appear as having the unknown traffic color rather than the default route line color. In this case consider also changing the unknown/low traffic color to match the default route line color or setting the traffic congestion color(s) to something like Color.Transparent if it fits your use case.



the default color of the route line


the color used for representing low traffic congestion


the color used for representing moderate traffic congestion


the color used for representing heavy traffic congestion


the color used for representing severe traffic congestion


the color used for representing unknown traffic congestion


the color used for representing low traffic congestion on inactive legs of the route


the color used for representing moderate traffic congestion on inactive legs of the route


the color used for representing heavy traffic congestion on inactive legs of the route


the color used for representing severe traffic congestion on inactive legs of the route


the color used for representing unknown traffic congestion on inactive legs of the route


the default color used for alternative route lines


the color used for representing low traffic congestion on alternative routes


the color used for representing moderate traffic congestion on alternative routes


the color used for representing heavy traffic congestion on alternative routes


the color used for representing severe traffic congestion on alternative routes


the color used for representing unknown traffic congestion on alternative routes


the color for the restricted road indicator(s)


the color used for the route closure line


the color for the restricted road indicator(s) on inactive legs of the route


the color used for the route closure line on inactive legs of the route


the color for the restricted road indicator(s) for alternative routes.


the color used for the alternative route closure line(s)


the color of the section of route line behind the puck representing the section of the route traveled


the color of the casing section of route line behind the puck representing the section of the route traveled. By default the casing line is beneath the route line and gives the appearance of a border


the color used for the route casing line which is positioned below the route line giving the line the appearance of a boarder


the color used for the alternative route casing line(s) which is positioned below the route line giving the line the appearance of a boarder


the color used for casing of route legs hat aren't currently being navigated.


the color used for route legs that aren't currently being navigated.


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class Builder

A builder for instantiating the RouteLineResources class


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Returns a hash code value for the object.

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fun toBuilder(): RouteLineColorResources.Builder
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open override fun toString(): String

Returns a string representation of the object.


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val alternativeRouteCasingColor: Int
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val alternativeRouteClosureColor: Int
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val alternativeRouteDefaultColor: Int
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val alternativeRouteHeavyCongestionColor: Int
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val alternativeRouteLowCongestionColor: Int
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val alternativeRouteModerateCongestionColor: Int
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val alternativeRouteRestrictedRoadColor: Int
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val alternativeRouteSevereCongestionColor: Int
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val alternativeRouteUnknownCongestionColor: Int
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val inactiveRouteLegCasingColor: Int
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val inactiveRouteLegClosureColor: Int
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val inactiveRouteLegHeavyCongestionColor: Int
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val inactiveRouteLegLowCongestionColor: Int
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val inactiveRouteLegModerateCongestionColor: Int
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val inactiveRouteLegRestrictedRoadColor: Int
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val inActiveRouteLegsColor: Int
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val inactiveRouteLegSevereCongestionColor: Int
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val inactiveRouteLegUnknownCongestionColor: Int
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val restrictedRoadColor: Int
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val routeCasingColor: Int
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val routeClosureColor: Int
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val routeDefaultColor: Int
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val routeHeavyCongestionColor: Int
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val routeLineTraveledCasingColor: Int
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val routeLineTraveledColor: Int
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val routeLowCongestionColor: Int
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val routeModerateCongestionColor: Int
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val routeSevereCongestionColor: Int
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val routeUnknownCongestionColor: Int