Package com.mapbox.navigation.ui.maneuver.view


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class MapboxExitText : AppCompatTextView

Default Exit View that renders exit number in a specific style.

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class MapboxLaneGuidance @JvmOverloads constructor(    context: Context,     attrs: AttributeSet? = null,     defStyleAttr: Int = 0) : AppCompatImageView

Default Lane Guidance View that renders the maneuver icons onto MapboxManeuverView. It can be directly used in any other layout.

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Default recycler adapter to render lanes for the upcoming turn.

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class MapboxManeuverView : ConstraintLayout

Default view to render a maneuver.

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class MapboxPrimaryManeuver : AppCompatTextView

Default view to render primary banner instructions onto MapboxManeuverView. It can be directly used in any other layout.

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class MapboxSecondaryManeuver : AppCompatTextView

Default view to render secondary banner instructions onto MapboxManeuverView. It can be directly used in any other layout.

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class MapboxStepDistance : AppCompatTextView

Default view to render distance onto MapboxManeuverView and single item in MapboxUpcomingManeuverAdapter. It can be directly used in any other layout.

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class MapboxSubManeuver : AppCompatTextView

Default view to render sub banner instructions onto MapboxManeuverView. It can be directly used in any other layout.

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class MapboxTurnIconManeuver @JvmOverloads constructor(    context: Context,     attrs: AttributeSet? = null,     defStyleAttr: Int = 0) : AppCompatImageView

Default view to render the maneuver turn icon onto MapboxManeuverView. It can be directly used in any other layout.

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Default recycler adapter to render upcoming maneuvers for the RouteLeg.