
class PolygonAnnotation(id: String, annotationManager: AnnotationManager<Polygon, PolygonAnnotation, *, *, *, *, *>, jsonObject: JsonObject, geometry: Polygon) : Annotation<Polygon>

Class for PolygonAnnotation


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fun PolygonAnnotation(id: String, annotationManager: AnnotationManager<Polygon, PolygonAnnotation, *, *, *, *, *>, jsonObject: JsonObject, geometry: Polygon)


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object Companion

Static variables and methods.


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open fun getData(): JsonElement?
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fun getJsonObjectCopy(): JsonObject
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open override fun getOffsetGeometry(mapCameraManagerDelegate: MapCameraManagerDelegate, moveDistancesObject: MoveDistancesObject): Polygon?

Get the offset geometry for the touch point

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open override fun getType(): AnnotationType

Get the type of this annotation

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open fun setData(jsonElement: JsonElement?)
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open override fun setUsedDataDrivenProperties()

Set the used data-driven properties


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The fillColor property in Int The color of the filled part of this layer. This color can be specified as rgba with an alpha component and the color's opacity will not affect the opacity of the 1px stroke, if it is used.

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The fillColor property in String

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The fillOpacity property

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The fillOutlineColor property in Int The outline color of the fill. Matches the value of {@link PropertyFactory#fillColor} if unspecified.

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The fillOutlineColor property in String

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The fillPattern property

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The fillSortKey property

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The fillZOffset property

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var geometry: Polygon
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val id: String
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var points: List<List<Point>>

A list of lists of Point for the fill, which represents the locations of the fill on the map