Package-level declarations


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abstract class Annotation<T : Geometry>(val id: String, jsonObject: JsonObject, var geometry: T)

Base class for annotations

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data class AnnotationConfig @JvmOverloads constructor(val belowLayerId: String? = null, val layerId: String? = null, val sourceId: String? = null, val annotationSourceOptions: AnnotationSourceOptions? = null)

Config class for annotation plugin to get the annotation manager

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fun interface AnnotationOptions<G : Geometry, T : Annotation<G>>

Options interface for building annotations

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Plugin interface for the annotation.

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data class AnnotationSourceOptions @JvmOverloads constructor(val maxZoom: Long? = null, val buffer: Long? = null, val lineMetrics: Boolean? = null, val tolerance: Double? = null, val clusterOptions: ClusterOptions? = null)

Configure class for composing GeoJsonSource objects that included in Annotation

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Enum class for annotation types

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Interface for annotationManager that supports clustering

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class ClusterFeature @RestrictTo(value = [RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY]) constructor(featuresetFeature: FeaturesetFeature<FeatureState>)

ClusterFeature is a strongly typed class with cluster related properties in addition to the underlying Feature built from Point.

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data class ClusterOptions @JvmOverloads constructor(val cluster: Boolean = true, val clusterRadius: Long = 50, val circleRadiusExpression: Value? = null, val circleRadius: Double = 18.0, val textColorExpression: Value? = null, val textColor: Int = Color.WHITE, val textSizeExpression: Value? = null, val textSize: Double = 12.0, val textField: Value? = null, val clusterMaxZoom: Long = 14, val clusterMinPoints: Long = 2, val colorLevels: List<Pair<Int, Int>> = listOf(Pair(0, Color.BLUE)), val clusterProperties: HashMap<String, Any>? = null)

Options to show and configure symbol clustering with using PointAnnotationManager or CircleAnnotationManager.

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Util class for converting properties.

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Generic interface definition of a callback to be invoked when an annotation has been clicked.

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Generic interface definition of a callback to be invoked when an annotation is being dragged.

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Generic interface definition of a callback to be invoked when an annotation has been selected or deselected.

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Generic fun interface definition of a callback to be invoked when an annotation has been long clicked.

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Interface definition of a callback to be invoked when cluster with annotations has been clicked.

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Interface definition of a callback to be invoked when cluster with annotations has been long clicked.

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fun interface QueryAnnotationCallback<T>

Callback for query annotation


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Extension val for MapView to get the Annotation plugin instance.