Package-level declarations
Represents a buildings
featureset from Mapbox Standard Style.
Featureset describing the buildings.
Typed feature state class needed for generic MapboxMap.setFeatureState
and MapboxMap.getFeatureState
when working with StandardBuildings in Mapbox Standard Style.
State keys for StandardBuildingsState that should be used in removeFeatureState
Represents a place-labels
featureset from Mapbox Standard Style.
Points for labeling places including countries, states, cities, towns, and neighborhoods.
Typed feature state class needed for generic MapboxMap.setFeatureState
and MapboxMap.getFeatureState
when working with StandardPlaceLabels in Mapbox Standard Style.
State keys for StandardPlaceLabelsState that should be used in removeFeatureState
Represents a poi
featureset from Mapbox Standard Style.
A point of interest.
Typed feature state class needed for generic MapboxMap.setFeatureState
and MapboxMap.getFeatureState
when working with StandardPoi in Mapbox Standard Style.
State keys for StandardPoiState that should be used in removeFeatureState
Create the ClickInteraction for Mapbox Standard Style buildings
featureset and an optional importId.
Create the LongClickInteraction for Mapbox Standard Style buildings
featureset and an optional importId.
Builder function to create StandardBuildingsState.
Create the ClickInteraction for Mapbox Standard Style place-labels
featureset and an optional importId.
Create the LongClickInteraction for Mapbox Standard Style place-labels
featureset and an optional importId.
Builder function to create StandardPlaceLabelsState.
Create the ClickInteraction for Mapbox Standard Style poi
featureset and an optional importId.
Create the LongClickInteraction for Mapbox Standard Style poi
featureset and an optional importId.
Builder function to create StandardPoiState.