
This is the main entry point for controlling the Mapbox car map surface.

You can add the MapboxCarMap to your entire using the Lifecycle. And then any that is using a supported template will automatically show the Mapbox map. You can also, specify a MapboxCarMap for each individual by constructing the MapboxCarMap with the screen Lifecycle.

Supported templates include:

Customize your MapboxCarMap with your own implementations of MapboxCarMapObserver. Use the registerObserver and unregisterObserver functions to load and detach the observers.

The internals of this class use AppManager.setSurfaceCallback, which assumes there is a single surface callback. Do not use setSurfaceCallback, and do not create multiple instances of MapboxCarMap.


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Optional function to clear all observers registered through registerObserver

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Instead of using setup, this function allows you to create your own SurfaceCallback and forward the calls to the returned SurfaceCallback. This makes it possible for you to adopt new api versions or intercept the calls and continue to use the MapboxCarMap as designed.

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Override the car gestures with your own implementation. If you would like to build a custom experience for handling gestures, you can implement the MapboxCarMapGestureHandler interface, or override the DefaultMapboxCarMapGestureHandler, or set to null to disable gesture handling.

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fun setup(carContext: CarContext, mapInitOptions: MapInitOptions): MapboxCarMap

Calls AppManager.setSurfaceCallback to give Mapbox access to render the map onto Android Auto head units. You should only call this once per CarContext in a Session.

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Accessor for the carContext provided to the MapInitOptions. This makes it easier to create screens with the MapboxCarMap in the constructor.

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Returns the current MapboxCarMapSurface. It is recommended to use registerObserver and MapboxCarMapObserver to attach and detach your customizations.

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The initial options used to setup the map.

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Accessor to the stable area calculated by the car library. It is recommended to use the values returned by MapboxCarMapObserver.onStableAreaChanged.

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Accessor to the stableEdgeInsets calculated by the car library. It is recommended to use the values returned by MapboxCarMapObserver.onStableAreaChanged.

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Accessor to the visible area calculated by the car library. It is recommended to use the values returned by MapboxCarMapObserver.onVisibleAreaChanged.

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Accessor to the edgeInsets calculated by the car library. It is recommended to use the values returned by MapboxCarMapObserver.onVisibleAreaChanged.