Package-level declarations


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open class AnnotatedFeature
Represents a variant that can store either a GeoJSON geometry or an annotated layer feature.
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Represents a connection between a view annotation and specific features within a designated layer source.
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Callback invoked once an asynchronous operation completes.
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Holds information about `camera bounds`.
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Holds options to be used for setting `camera bounds`.
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This event is emitted whenever the visible viewport changes its size due to the invocation of the `setSize` and `setBounds` methods or when the camera is modified by calling camera methods.
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This event is emitted whenever the visible viewport changes its size due to the invocation of the `setSize` and `setBounds` methods or when the camera is modified by calling camera methods.
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Various options for describing the viewpoint of a camera.
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Describes the viewpoint of a camera.
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Represents a tile coordinate.
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Defines the click interaction.

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Describes whether to constrain the map in both axes or only vertically e.g.
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Describes the map context mode.
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A rectangular area as measured on a two-dimensional map projection.
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A coordinate bounds and zoom.
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Represents the coordinate information returned by the `coordinateInfoForPixel` or `coordinatesInfoForPixels` methods.
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Options for custom geometry source.
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interface CustomLayerHost
Interface for hosting a custom map style layer.
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Parameters that define the current camera position for a `CustomLayerHost::render()` function.
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Options for custom raster source.
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Data for a specific CustomRasterSource tile.
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Interface for the direct rendering into the custom raster tiles.
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CustomRasterSource tile status.
Callback for changing a CustomRasterSource tile status.
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The distance on each side between rectangles, when one is contained into other.
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interface ElevationData
Interface that provides access to elevation data.
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The time interval of an event.
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A value or a collection of a feature extension.
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Defines the parameters for querying features from a Featureset with an optional filter and id.
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Callback to get operation status on the feature states asynchronously.
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Various options for accessing physical properties of the underlying camera entity.
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The generic event type.
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Generic event for experimental events.
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Describes glyphs rasterization modes.
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Describes the glyphs rasterization option values.
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Image type.
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Describes the image content, e.g.
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Class to hold image data either as drawable id or as the Bitmap.

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Describes the image stretch areas.
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Specifies position of an import that is added via addStyleImport method.
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A context of interaction containing the geographical and screen coordinate info.
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Specifies position of a layer that is added via addStyleLayer method.
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Defines the long click interaction.

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Mapbox exception class flagging annotation plugin related RuntimeException did occur.

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Mapbox exception class flagging camera animation plugin related RuntimeException did occur.

Mapbox exception thrown when any collection used to build GeoJson data is mutated.

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A MapboxConfigurationException is thrown by MapboxMap when the SDK hasn't been properly initialised.

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Marks declarations that are delicate — they have limited use-case and shall be used with care in general code. Any use of a delicate declaration has to be carefully reviewed to make sure it is properly used. Carefully read documentation of any declaration marked as MapboxDelicateApi.

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Annotation class to mark API as experimental.

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MapboxLifecycleObserver interface defines the lifecycle events that needed by MapView.

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Mapbox exception class flagging location component plugin related RuntimeException did occur.

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The general class to interact with in the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android. It exposes the entry point for all methods related to the Map object. You cannot instantiate MapboxMap object directly, rather, you must obtain one from the getMapboxMap() method MapView that you have added to your application.

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class MapboxMapException(exceptionText: String?) : RuntimeException

Mapbox exception class flagging map related RuntimeException did occur.

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MapboxMapRecorder provides functions to record and replay API calls of a MapboxMap instance. These recordings can be used to debug issues which require multiple steps to reproduce. Additionally, playbacks can be used for performance testing custom scenarios.

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Manages configuration options that are used by the Maps API objects, such as maps data directory and base URL.

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Mapbox exception class flagging style extension related RuntimeException did occur.

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open class MapboxStyleManager @RestrictTo(value = [RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP_PREFIX]) constructor(val styleManager: StyleManager, val pixelRatio: Float, val mapLoadingErrorDelegate: MapLoadingErrorDelegate)

Wrapper class for StyleManager allowing to expose style related methods for MapboxMap.

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Allows to control several levels of tracing that could be useful to understand the performance of Mapbox Maps. For more details about Android tracing refer to relevant section of file.

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Mapbox exception class flagging view annotation related RuntimeException did occur.

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Defines how the map center point should react to terrain elevation changes.
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Collection of useful constants.
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MapControllable interface is the gateway for public API to talk to the internal map controller.

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Options for enabling debugging features in a map.
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The `map` has entered the idle state.
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interface MapIdleCallback
The `map` has entered the idle state.
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data class MapInitOptions @JvmOverloads constructor(val context: Context, var mapOptions: MapOptions = getDefaultMapOptions(context), var plugins: List<Plugin> = defaultPluginList, var cameraOptions: CameraOptions? = null, var textureView: Boolean = false, val styleUri: String? = Style.STANDARD, var attrs: AttributeSet? = null, var antialiasingSampleCount: Int = DEFAULT_ANTIALIASING_SAMPLE_COUNT, var mapName: String = "")

Defines configuration MapInitOptions for a MapboxMap. These options can be used when adding a map to your application programmatically (as opposed to via XML). If you are using a MapFragment, you can pass these options in using the static factory method newInstance(MapboxMapOptions). If you are using a MapView, you can pass these options in using the constructor MapView(Context, MapboxMapOptions). If you add a map using XML, then you can apply these options using custom XML tags.

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Base class for interactions.
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The style has been fully loaded, and the `map` has rendered all visible tiles.
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The style has been fully loaded, and the `map` has rendered all visible tiles.
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Describes an error that has occurred while loading the `map`.
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Describes an error that has occurred while loading the `map`.
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The enumeration defines map loading errors.
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Describes the map option values.
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Options for playback.
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Options for recording.
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Set of options for taking map snapshot with `map snapshotter`.
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A MapSurface provides an embeddable map interface. You use this class to display map information and to manipulate the map contents from your application. You can center the map on a given coordinate, specify the size of the area you want to display, and style the features of the map to fit your application's use case.

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A MapView provides an embeddable map interface. You use this class to display map information and to manipulate the map contents from your application. You can center the map on a given coordinate, specify the size of the area you want to display, and style the features of the map to fit your application's use case.

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Describes a point on the map in Mercator projection.
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Describes the map orientation.
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Callback invoked when a sideloaded database has been merged into the main offline database.
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An `offline manager` manages downloads and storage for style packages and also produces tileset descriptors for the `tile store`.
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An offline region represents an identifiable geographic region with optional metadata.
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Callback invoked when fetching existing regions.
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Callback invoked when creating a new region.
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Describes the download state of a region.
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Describes an offline request response error.
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Describes the reason for an offline request response error.
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An offline region definition is a geographic region defined by a style URL, a geometry, zoom range, and device pixel ratio.
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The `offline region manager` that manages offline packs.
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A region can have a single observer, which gets notified whenever a change to the region's status occurs.
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A region's status includes its active/inactive state as well as counts of the number of resources that have completed downloading, their total size in bytes, and the total number of resources that are required.
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Callback invoked when get offline region status operation completes.
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An offline region definition is a geographic region defined by a style URL, geographic bounding box, zoom range, and device pixel ratio.
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Samplers which can be optionally enabled to collect performance statistics.
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The performance statistics collected at the end of the sampling duration.
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Use this callback to observe the collected statistics.
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Options for the following statistics collection behaviors:
  • Specify the types of sampling: cumulative, per-frame, or both.
  • Define the minimum elapsed time for collecting performance samples.
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ProjectedMeters is a coordinate in a specific [Spherical Mercator]( projection.
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Collection of [Spherical Mercator]( projection methods.
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Represents queried feature that is returned through `QueriedRenderedFeature` or `QueriedSourceFeature`
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Represents query result that is returned in QueryRenderedFeaturesCallback.
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Represents query result that is returned in QuerySourceFeaturesCallback.
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Callback to get query feature extension asynchronously.
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Callback to get query features asynchronously.
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Callback to get queried rendered features asynchronously.
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Callback to get queried source features asynchronously.
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Geometry for querying rendered features.
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Options for querying rendered features.
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The `map` finished rendering a frame.
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The `map` finished rendering a frame.
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The `map` started rendering a frame.
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The `map` started rendering a frame.
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The enumeration defines the rendering mode for the rendered frame.
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The enumeration defines the type of data source.
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The enumeration defines the error type that may occur during a resource request.
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The structure defines the information about the resource request.
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The enumeration defines the method used to make a resource request.
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The enumeration defines the priority of a resource request.
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The enumeration defines the type of resource requested by the `map`.
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The `ResourceRequest` event allows the application to observe resource requests made by a `map` or `map snapshotter` object.
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The `ResourceRequest` event allows the application to observe resourcerequests made by a `map` or `map snapshotter` object.
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The structure defines the information about errors that may occur during a resource request.
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The structure defines the information about the response for the resource request.
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The enumeration defines the source type that provides the requested resource.
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Describes the coordinate box on the screen, measured in `platform pixels` from top to bottom and from left to right.
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Describes the coordinate on the screen, measured from top to bottom and from left to right.
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Size type.
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abstract class SnapshotOverlay

An instance of overlay allowing to draw custom content directly over the snapshot image on the Canvas.

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A block which can be used to obtain a SnapshotOverlay to draw custom content directly over the snapshot image.

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data class SnapshotOverlayOptions @JvmOverloads constructor(val showLogo: Boolean = true, val showAttributes: Boolean = true)

Data class to config the overlays on the snapshotter

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Callback invoked when obtaining the map snapshot.

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Interface for getting all style related events for snapshotter.

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open class Snapshotter

Snapshotter is high-level component responsible for taking map snapshot with given MapSnapshotOptions. The Snapshotter is valid until destroy is called.

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Runtime exception thrown when the Snapshotter has already been destroyed.

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The source has been added with `addStyleSource` method.
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The source has been added with `addStyleSource` method.
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The `SourceDataLoaded` event is emitted when source data is loaded.
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The `SourceDataLoaded` event is emitted when source data is loaded.
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The enumeration defines the type of loaded source data.
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Options for querying source features.
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The source has been removed with `removeStyleSource` method.
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The source has been removed with `removeStyleSource` method.
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The general class to interact with Styles in the Modular Mapbox Maps SDK for Android. It exposes the entry point for all methods related to the Style. You cannot instantiate Style object directly, rather, you must obtain one from the getStyle(onStyleLoaded) method on MapboxMap.

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The style data has been loaded.
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The style data has been loaded.
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The enumeration defines the type of loaded style data.
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A style needs an image that is missing from the sprite sheet.
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A style needs an image that is missing from the sprite sheet.
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An image requested by the `map` through the `StyleImageMissing` event is no longer needed and can be removed using the `removeStyleImage` method.
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An image requested by the `map` through the `StyleImageMissing` event is no longer needed and can be removed using the `removeStyleImage` method.
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The requested style has been fully loaded, including specified sprite, and sources' metadata.
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The requested style has been fully loaded, including specified sprite, and sources' metadata.
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The information about style object (source or layer or light).
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The `style pack` represents a stored style package.
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Callback invoked when returning a style package.
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Describes a style package load request error.
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Describes the reason for a style package download request failure.
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Describes the style package load option values.
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A `style pack load` progress includes information about the number of resources that have completed downloading and the total number of resources that are required.
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Callback Invoked to report the progess of the style package loading operation.
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Callback invoked to return a style package's associated metadata
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Callback invoked when returning existing style packages.
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Holds a style property value with meta data.
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Describes the kind of a style property value.
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open class TileCacheBudget
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Tile cache budget in megabytes.
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Tile cache budget in tiles.
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Various options needed for tile cover
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Callback to do various operations for tile.
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Options for custom geometry tiles.
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Describes the tileset descriptor option values.
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Describes tile store usage modes.
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The `transition options` controls timing for the interpolation between a transitionable style property's previous value and new value.
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3 component vector.
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4 component vector.
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Enum describing how to place view annotation relatively to geometry.
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Represents a specific setting for a view annotation anchor.
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Defines the necessary options for displaying view annotations.
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Satisfies embedding platforms that requires the viewport coordinate systems to be set according to its standards.


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Get a default MapOptions.Builder with reasterization mode GlyphsRasterizationMode#ALL_GLYPHS_RASTERIZED_LOCALLY

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fun logD(tag: String, message: String)

Log Android debug entry in the following format: D/Mapbox: [SDK_IDENTIFIER]\ [tag]

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fun logE(tag: String, message: String)

Log Android error entry in the following format: E/Mapbox: [SDK_IDENTIFIER]\ [tag]

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fun logI(tag: String, message: String)

Log Android info entry in the following format: I/Mapbox: [SDK_IDENTIFIER]\ [tag]

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fun logW(tag: String, message: String)

Log Android warning entry in the following format: W/Mapbox: [SDK_IDENTIFIER]\ [tag]

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DSL builder function to create MapPlayerOptions object.

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DSL builder function to create MapRecorderOptions object.

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Extension function to convert CameraState to CameraOptions.

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Convert Bitmap to rendering engine Image instance.


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Default Locale for data processing

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Access Mapbox Maps SDK specific options.