
Presenter interface for the logo.


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abstract fun bind(mapView: FrameLayout, attrs: AttributeSet?, pixelRatio: Float): View

Bind a view instance

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open fun cleanup()

Called when the map is destroyed. Should be used to cleanup plugin resources for that map.

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abstract fun getSettings(): LogoSettings

Get current logo configuration.

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open fun initialize()

Called when the plugin is first added to the map.

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open fun onDelegateProvider(delegateProvider: MapDelegateProvider)

Provides all map delegate instances.

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open fun onPluginView(view: View)

Provides a view instances returned in inflate after it's been added to the MapView.

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abstract fun updateSettings(block: LogoSettings.Builder.() -> Unit)

Update logo configuration, the update will be applied to the plugin automatically.


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abstract var enabled: Boolean

Whether the logo is visible on the map. Default value: true.

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abstract var marginBottom: Float

Defines the margin to the bottom that the attribution icon honors. Default value: 4.

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abstract var marginLeft: Float

Defines the margin to the left that the attribution icon honors. Default value: 4.

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abstract var marginRight: Float

Defines the margin to the right that the attribution icon honors. Default value: 4.

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abstract var marginTop: Float

Defines the margin to the top that the attribution icon honors. Default value: 4.

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abstract var position: Int

Defines where the logo is positioned on the map Default value: "bottom-left".