
Particle animation driven by textures such as wind maps.

See also



the ID of the layer


the ID of the source


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fun RasterParticleLayer(layerId: String, sourceId: String)


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object Companion

Static variables and methods.


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fun bindTo(delegate: MapboxStyleManager)

Bind the layer to the Style.

open override fun bindTo(delegate: MapboxStyleManager, position: LayerPosition?)

Bind the layer to the map controller.

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open override fun filter(filter: Expression): RasterParticleLayer

A filter is a property at the layer level that determines which features should be rendered in a style layer.

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open override fun maxZoom(maxZoom: Double): RasterParticleLayer

The maximum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels equal to or greater than the maxzoom, the layer will be hidden.

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open override fun minZoom(minZoom: Double): RasterParticleLayer

The minimum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels less than the minzoom, the layer will be hidden.

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open override fun rasterParticleArrayBand(rasterParticleArrayBand: Expression): RasterParticleLayer
open override fun rasterParticleArrayBand(rasterParticleArrayBand: String): RasterParticleLayer

Displayed band of raster array source layer

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open override fun rasterParticleColor(rasterParticleColor: Expression): RasterParticleLayer

Defines a color map by which to colorize a raster particle layer, parameterized by the ["raster-particle-speed"] expression and evaluated at 256 uniformly spaced steps over the range specified by raster-particle-max-speed.

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open override fun rasterParticleCount(rasterParticleCount: Expression): RasterParticleLayer
open override fun rasterParticleCount(rasterParticleCount: Long): RasterParticleLayer

Defines the amount of particles per tile. Default value: 512. Minimum value: 1.

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open override fun rasterParticleFadeOpacityFactor(rasterParticleFadeOpacityFactor: Expression): RasterParticleLayer
open override fun rasterParticleFadeOpacityFactor(rasterParticleFadeOpacityFactor: Double): RasterParticleLayer

Defines defines the opacity coefficient applied to the faded particles in each frame. In practice, this property controls the length of the particle tail. Default value: 0.98. Value range: 0, 1

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open override fun rasterParticleMaxSpeed(rasterParticleMaxSpeed: Expression): RasterParticleLayer
open override fun rasterParticleMaxSpeed(rasterParticleMaxSpeed: Double): RasterParticleLayer

Defines the maximum speed for particles. Velocities with magnitudes equal to or exceeding this value are clamped to the max value. Default value: 1. Minimum value: 1.

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open override fun rasterParticleResetRateFactor(rasterParticleResetRateFactor: Expression): RasterParticleLayer
open override fun rasterParticleResetRateFactor(rasterParticleResetRateFactor: Double): RasterParticleLayer

Defines a coefficient for a time period at which particles will restart at a random position, to avoid degeneration (empty areas without particles). Default value: 0.8. Value range: 0, 1

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open override fun rasterParticleSpeedFactor(rasterParticleSpeedFactor: Expression): RasterParticleLayer
open override fun rasterParticleSpeedFactor(rasterParticleSpeedFactor: Double): RasterParticleLayer

Defines a coefficient for the speed of particles’ motion. Default value: 0.2. Value range: 0, 1

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open override fun slot(slot: String): RasterParticleLayer

The slot this layer is assigned to. If specified, and a slot with that name exists, it will be placed at that position in the layer order.

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open override fun sourceLayer(sourceLayer: String): RasterParticleLayer

A source layer is an individual layer of data within a vector source. A vector source can have multiple source layers.

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open override fun visibility(visibility: Expression): RasterParticleLayer
open override fun visibility(visibility: Visibility): RasterParticleLayer

Whether this layer is displayed.


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A filter is a property at the layer level that determines which features should be rendered in a style layer.

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open override val layerId: String
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open override val maxZoom: Double?

The maximum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels equal to or greater than the maxzoom, the layer will be hidden.

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open override val minZoom: Double?

The minimum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels less than the minzoom, the layer will be hidden.

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Displayed band of raster array source layer

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Displayed band of raster array source layer

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Defines a color map by which to colorize a raster particle layer, parameterized by the ["raster-particle-speed"] expression and evaluated at 256 uniformly spaced steps over the range specified by raster-particle-max-speed.

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Defines the amount of particles per tile. Default value: 512. Minimum value: 1.

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Defines the amount of particles per tile. Default value: 512. Minimum value: 1.

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Defines defines the opacity coefficient applied to the faded particles in each frame. In practice, this property controls the length of the particle tail. Default value: 0.98. Value range: 0, 1

Defines defines the opacity coefficient applied to the faded particles in each frame. In practice, this property controls the length of the particle tail. Default value: 0.98. Value range: 0, 1

Transition options for RasterParticleFadeOpacityFactor.

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Defines the maximum speed for particles. Velocities with magnitudes equal to or exceeding this value are clamped to the max value. Default value: 1. Minimum value: 1.

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Defines the maximum speed for particles. Velocities with magnitudes equal to or exceeding this value are clamped to the max value. Default value: 1. Minimum value: 1.

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Defines a coefficient for a time period at which particles will restart at a random position, to avoid degeneration (empty areas without particles). Default value: 0.8. Value range: 0, 1

Defines a coefficient for a time period at which particles will restart at a random position, to avoid degeneration (empty areas without particles). Default value: 0.8. Value range: 0, 1

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Defines a coefficient for the speed of particles’ motion. Default value: 0.2. Value range: 0, 1

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Defines a coefficient for the speed of particles’ motion. Default value: 0.2. Value range: 0, 1

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Transition options for RasterParticleSpeedFactor.

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open override val slot: String?

The slot this layer is assigned to. If specified, and a slot with that name exists, it will be placed at that position in the layer order.

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A source layer is an individual layer of data within a vector source. A vector source can have multiple source layers.

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open override val visibility: Visibility?

Whether this layer is displayed.

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Whether this layer is displayed.


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Get the persistent property as Boolean.