Package-level declarations
Defines the color used by the Maps render engine. It can be either Color or an Expression.
Defines a primitive that can accommodate a list of Double.
Defines a primitive that can accommodate a range of two Double. Usually defined by a lower and upper limit.
Defines a Number primitive that can accommodate a Double.
Utility to generate a random ID.
Class that holds the configs for one import ID.
Class that holds MapboxMapComposable content per each LayerPosition.
Marks a composable function as being expected to be used inside another composable function that is also marked or inferred to be marked as a MapboxStyleComposable.
Defines a primitive that can accommodate a list of com.mapbox.geojson.Points.
Class that holds MapboxMapComposable content per each slot.
Defines a list of String primitive that can accommodate a list of String.
Style image to used with runtime styling.
Class that holds ImportConfigs per each Import ID.
Defines the timing for the interpolation between a transitionable style layer property's previous value and new value.
Generic Style that you can insert MapboxMapComposable functions in any slot you defined as a plain string, or set any map import configs given as plain string and Value pairs.
Type-safe builder for ImportConfigs.
Type-safe builder for layer position based MapboxMapComposable content.
A simple composable function to set the style to the map without slots or import configs.
Create and remember a StyleImage with ImageBitmap.
Create and remember a StyleImage with resourceId.
Create and remember a StyleImage with painter and key.
Type-safe builder for slot based MapboxMapComposable content.
Type-safe builder for StyleImportsConfig.