
Gesture configuration allows to control the user touch interaction.


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class Builder

Composes and builds a GesturesSettings object.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Overloaded equals function.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Overloaded hashCode function based on all class properties.

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Convert to Builder allowing to change class properties.

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open override fun toString(): String

Overloaded toString function.

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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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Whether double tapping the map with one touch results in a zoom-in animation. Default value: true.

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Whether single tapping the map with two touches results in a zoom-out animation. Default value: true.

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By default, gestures rotate and zoom around the center of the gesture. Set this property to rotate and zoom around a fixed point instead.

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Whether pinch to zoom threshold increases when rotating. true by default. Default value: true.

Whether rotate threshold increases when pinching to zoom. true by default. Default value: true.

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Whether pan is enabled for the pinch gesture. Default value: true.

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Whether a deceleration animation following a pinch-to-zoom gesture is enabled. True by default. Default value: true.

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Whether the pinch to zoom gesture is enabled. Default value: true.

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Whether the pitch gesture is enabled. Default value: true.

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Whether the quick zoom gesture is enabled. Default value: true.

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Whether a deceleration animation following a rotate gesture is enabled. True by default. Default value: true.

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Whether the rotate gesture is enabled. Default value: true.

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Whether a deceleration animation following a scroll gesture is enabled. True by default. Default value: true.

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Whether the single-touch scroll gesture is enabled. Default value: true.

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Configures the directions in which the map is allowed to move during a scroll gesture. Default value: "horizontal-and-vertical".

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Whether rotation is enabled for the pinch to zoom gesture. Default value: true.

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The amount by which the zoom level increases or decreases during a double-tap-to-zoom-in or double-touch-to-zoom-out gesture. 1.0 by default. Must be positive. Default value: 1.


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Returns if the scroll is horizontally limited, In other words, the scroll mode is set to vertical.

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Returns if the scroll is vertically limited, In other words, the scroll mode is set to horizontal.