Package-level declarations


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An object defining custom properties on the generated clusters if clustering is enabled, aggregating values from clustered points. Has the form {"property_name": [operator, map_expression]}. operator is any expression function that accepts at least 2 operands (e.g. "+" or "max") — it accumulates the property value from clusters/points the cluster contains; map_expression produces the value of a single point. Example: {"sum": ["+", ["get", "scalerank"]]}. For more advanced use cases, in place of operator, you can use a custom reduce expression that references a special ["accumulated"] value, e.g.: {"sum": [["+", ["accumulated"], ["get", "sum"]], ["get", "scalerank"]]}

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A property to use as a feature id (for feature state). Either a property name, or an object of the form {<sourceLayer>: <propertyName>}:

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Contains the description of the raster data layers and the bands contained within the tiles.

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The base class for SourceStates, which handles the attach/detach from the layer, and updating Source properties.

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This property defines a source-specific resource budget, either in tile units or in megabytes. Whenever the tile cache goes over the defined limit, the least recently used tile will be evicted from the in-memory cache. Note that the current implementation does not take into account resources allocated by the visible tiles.