A rectangular area as measured on a two-dimensional map projection.
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open fun CoordinateBounds(@NonNull southwest: Point, @NonNull northeast: Point, infiniteBounds: Boolean)
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Returns the center coordinate of the bounds.
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Constrains `point` against the bounds.
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Returns whether the bounds contains `point` or not.
Returns whether the bounds contains `area` or not.
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Returns whether the bounds contains `latitude` or not.
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Returns whether the bounds contains `longitude` or not.
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Returns whether the bounds cross the date line or not.
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Returns the eastern longitude of the bounds.
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Extends these bounds to include `point`.
Extends these bounds to include `area`.
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Returns the convex hull of two points; the smallest bounds that contains both.
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Returns whether the bounds intersects `area` or not.
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Returns whether the bounds are infinite or bounded.
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Returns whether the bounds are empty or not.
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Returns whether the bounds are valid or not.
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Returns the absolute distance, in degrees, between the north and south boundaries of these bounds.
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Returns the absolute distance, in degrees, between the west and east boundaries of these bounds.
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Returns the northern latitude of the bounds.
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Returns the northwest coordinate of the bounds.
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Returns the bounds consisting of the single point.
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Returns the southern latitude of the bounds.
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Returns the southeast coordinate of the bounds.
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Returns the western longitude of the bounds.
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Returns a bounds covering the entire (unwrapped) world.