Package-level declarations


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An indirect light affecting all objects in the map adding a constant amount of light on them. It has no explicit direction and cannot cast shadows.

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Whether extruded geometries are lit relative to the map or viewport. Default value: "viewport".

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A light that has a direction and is located at infinite distance, so its rays are parallel. It simulates the sun light and can cast shadows.

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A global directional light source which is only applied on 3D and hillshade layers. Using this type disables other light sources.


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inline fun rememberAmbientLightState(id: String = remember { generateRandomLightId("ambient") }, key: String? = null, crossinline init: AmbientLightState.() -> Unit = {}): AmbientLightState

Create and rememberSaveable a AmbientLightState using Saver. init will be called when the AmbientLightState is first created to configure its initial state.

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inline fun rememberDirectionalLightState(id: String = remember { generateRandomLightId("directional") }, key: String? = null, crossinline init: DirectionalLightState.() -> Unit = {}): DirectionalLightState

Create and rememberSaveable a DirectionalLightState using Saver. init will be called when the DirectionalLightState is first created to configure its initial state.

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inline fun rememberFlatLightState(id: String = remember { generateRandomLightId("flat") }, key: String? = null, crossinline init: FlatLightState.() -> Unit = {}): FlatLightState

Create and rememberSaveable a FlatLightState using Saver. init will be called when the FlatLightState is first created to configure its initial state.