
class Builder


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open fun Builder()


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open fun altitude(@Nullable altitude: Double): Location.Builder
The altitude of the location in meters above the WGS84 reference ellipsoid.
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open fun bearing(@Nullable bearing: Double): Location.Builder
The GNSS bearing, in degrees.
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open fun bearingAccuracy(@Nullable bearingAccuracy: Double): Location.Builder
The estimated bearing accuracy of this location, in degrees.
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open fun build(): Location
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open fun extra(@Nullable extra: Value): Location.Builder
Additional information
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open fun floor(@Nullable floor: Long): Location.Builder
The logical floor of the building.
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open fun horizontalAccuracy(@Nullable horizontalAccuracy: Double): Location.Builder
The estimated horizontal accuracy of this location, radial, in meters.
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open fun latitude(latitude: Double): Location.Builder
The north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface, in decimal degrees (WGS84).
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open fun longitude(longitude: Double): Location.Builder
The east–west position of a point on the Earth's surface, in decimal degrees (WGS84).
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open fun monotonicTimestamp(@Nullable monotonicTimestamp: Long): Location.Builder
The monotonic timestamp, in nanoseconds.
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open fun source(@Nullable source: String): Location.Builder
The source that provides this location
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The instantaneous speed of the device, measured in meters/second over ground.
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open fun speedAccuracy(@Nullable speedAccuracy: Double): Location.Builder
The estimated speed accuracy of this location, in meters/second.
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open fun timestamp(timestamp: Long): Location.Builder
The UTC time of this location fix, in milliseconds since epoch (January 1, 1970).
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open fun verticalAccuracy(@Nullable verticalAccuracy: Double): Location.Builder
The estimated vertical accuracy of this location, in meters.