
object Companion

Static variables and methods.


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The accuracy, in meters, of the position source used to retrieve the position of the location indicator.

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The accuracy, in meters, of the position source used to retrieve the position of the location indicator.

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The color for drawing the accuracy radius border. To adjust transparency, set the alpha component of the color accordingly.

The color for drawing the accuracy radius border. To adjust transparency, set the alpha component of the color accordingly.

The color for drawing the accuracy radius border. To adjust transparency, set the alpha component of the color accordingly.

Transition options for AccuracyRadiusBorderColor.

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The color for drawing the accuracy radius, as a circle. To adjust transparency, set the alpha component of the color accordingly.

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The color for drawing the accuracy radius, as a circle. To adjust transparency, set the alpha component of the color accordingly.

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The color for drawing the accuracy radius, as a circle. To adjust transparency, set the alpha component of the color accordingly.

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Transition options for AccuracyRadiusColor.

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Transition options for AccuracyRadius.

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The bearing of the location indicator.

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The bearing of the location indicator.

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Name of image in sprite to use as the middle of the location indicator.

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Name of image in sprite to use as the middle of the location indicator.

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The size of the bearing image, as a scale factor applied to the size of the specified image.

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The size of the bearing image, as a scale factor applied to the size of the specified image.

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Transition options for BearingImageSize.

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Transition options for Bearing.

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The color of the circle emphasizing the indicator. To adjust transparency, set the alpha component of the color accordingly.

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The color of the circle emphasizing the indicator. To adjust transparency, set the alpha component of the color accordingly.

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The color of the circle emphasizing the indicator. To adjust transparency, set the alpha component of the color accordingly.

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Transition options for EmphasisCircleColor.

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The radius, in pixel, of the circle emphasizing the indicator, drawn between the accuracy radius and the indicator shadow.

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The radius, in pixel, of the circle emphasizing the indicator, drawn between the accuracy radius and the indicator shadow.

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Transition options for EmphasisCircleRadius.

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The displacement off the center of the top image and the shadow image when the pitch of the map is greater than 0. This helps producing a three-dimensional appearence.

The displacement off the center of the top image and the shadow image when the pitch of the map is greater than 0. This helps producing a three-dimensional appearence.

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An array of latitude, longitude, altitude position of the location indicator.

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An array of latitude, longitude, altitude position of the location indicator.

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The opacity of the entire location indicator layer.

The opacity of the entire location indicator layer.

Transition options for LocationIndicatorOpacity.

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Transition options for Location.

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The maximum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels equal to or greater than the maxzoom, the layer will be hidden.

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The minimum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels less than the minzoom, the layer will be hidden.

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The amount of the perspective compensation, between 0 and 1. A value of 1 produces a location indicator of constant width across the screen. A value of 0 makes it scale naturally according to the viewing projection.

The amount of the perspective compensation, between 0 and 1. A value of 1 produces a location indicator of constant width across the screen. A value of 0 makes it scale naturally according to the viewing projection.

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Name of image in sprite to use as the background of the location indicator.

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Name of image in sprite to use as the background of the location indicator.

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The size of the shadow image, as a scale factor applied to the size of the specified image.

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The size of the shadow image, as a scale factor applied to the size of the specified image.

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Transition options for ShadowImageSize.

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Name of image in sprite to use as the top of the location indicator.

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Name of image in sprite to use as the top of the location indicator.

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The size of the top image, as a scale factor applied to the size of the specified image.

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The size of the top image, as a scale factor applied to the size of the specified image.

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Transition options for TopImageSize.

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Visibility of the layer.