Package-level declarations
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Utility to generate a random ID.
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Marks a composable function as being expected to be used inside another composable function that is also marked or inferred to be marked as a MapboxStyleComposable.
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fun GenericStyle(style: String, slots: Map<String, @Composable () -> Unit?> = emptyMap(), layerPositions: Map<LayerPosition, @Composable () -> Unit?> = emptyMap(), configs: Map<String, Map<String, Value>> = emptyMap(), projection: Projection = Projection.default)
Generic Style that you can insert MapboxMapComposable functions in any slot you defined as a plain string, or set any map import configs given as plain string and Value pairs.
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fun MapboxStandardStyle(topSlot: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, middleSlot: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, bottomSlot: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, lightPreset: Value = Value.nullValue())
The convenient composable function to set a Mapbox Standard style to the map, with available slots and config options.
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A simple composable function to set the style to the map without slots or import configs.