
The general class to interact with in the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android. It exposes the entry point for all methods related to the Map object. You cannot instantiate MapboxMap object directly, rather, you must obtain one from the getMapboxMap() method MapView that you have added to your application.

<p> Note: Similar to a View object, a MapboxMap should only be read and modified from the main thread. </p>


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Add a listener that's going to be invoked whenever map camera changes.

open override fun addOnCameraChangeListener(onCameraChangeListener: OnCameraChangeListener)
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Add a listener that's going to be invoked whenever map has entered the idle state.

The Map is in the idle state when there are no ongoing transitions and the Map has rendered all available tiles.

open override fun addOnMapIdleListener(onMapIdleListener: OnMapIdleListener)
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Add a listener that's going to be invoked whenever the Map's style has been fully loaded, and the Map has rendered all visible tiles.

open override fun addOnMapLoadedListener(onMapLoadedListener: OnMapLoadedListener)
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Add a listener that's going to be invoked whenever there's a map load error.

open override fun addOnMapLoadErrorListener(onMapLoadErrorListener: OnMapLoadErrorListener)
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Add a listener that's going to be invoked whenever the Map finished rendering a frame.

The render-mode value tells whether the Map has all data ("full") required to render the visible viewport. The needs-repaint value provides information about ongoing transitions that trigger Map repaint. The placement-changed value tells if the symbol placement has been changed in the visible viewport.

open override fun addOnRenderFrameFinishedListener(onRenderFrameFinishedListener: OnRenderFrameFinishedListener)
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Add a listener that's going to be invoked whenever the Map started rendering a frame.

open override fun addOnRenderFrameStartedListener(onRenderFrameStartedListener: OnRenderFrameStartedListener)
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Add a listener that's going to be invoked whenever a source has been added with StyleManager#addStyleSource runtime API.

open override fun addOnSourceAddedListener(onSourceAddedListener: OnSourceAddedListener)
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Add a listener that's going to be invoked whenever the source data has been loaded.

open override fun addOnSourceDataLoadedListener(onSourceDataLoadedListener: OnSourceDataLoadedListener)
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Add a listener that's going to be invoked whenever a source has been removed with StyleManager#removeStyleSource runtime API.

open override fun addOnSourceRemovedListener(onSourceRemovedListener: OnSourceRemovedListener)
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Add a listener that's going to be invoked whenever the requested style data been loaded. The 'type' property defines what kind of style data has been loaded.

This event may be useful when application needs to modify style layers or sources and add or remove sources before style is fully loaded.

open override fun addOnStyleDataLoadedListener(onStyleDataLoadedListener: OnStyleDataLoadedListener)
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Add a listener that's going to be invoked whenever a style has a missing image.

This event is emitted when the Map renders visible tiles and one of the required images is missing in the sprite sheet.

open override fun addOnStyleImageMissingListener(onStyleImageMissingListener: OnStyleImageMissingListener)
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Add a listener that's going to be invoked whenever an image added to the Style is no longer needed and can be removed using StyleManager#removeStyleImage method.

open override fun addOnStyleImageUnusedListener(onStyleImageUnusedListener: OnStyleImageUnusedListener)
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Add a listener that's going to be invoked whenever the requested style has been fully loaded, including the style specified sprite and sources.

open override fun addOnStyleLoadedListener(onStyleLoadedListener: OnStyleLoadedListener)
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Call extension function on CameraAnimationsPlugin. In most cases should not be called directly.

open override fun cameraAnimationsPlugin(function: CameraAnimationsPlugin.() -> Any?): Any?
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Convert to a camera options from a given LatLngBounds, padding, bearing and pitch values.

In order for this method to produce correct results MapView must be already measured and inflated to have correct width and height values. Calling this method in Activity.onCreate will lead to incorrect results.

open override fun cameraForCoordinateBounds(coordinateBounds: CoordinateBounds, padding: EdgeInsets, bearing: Double?, pitch: Double?): CameraOptions
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Convenience method that returns the camera options object for given arguments

In order for this method to produce correct results MapView must be already measured and inflated to have correct width and height values. Calling this method in Activity.onCreate will lead to incorrect results.

Returns the camera options object for given arguments with zoom adjusted to fit \p coordinates into \p box, so that coordinates on the left, top and right of \p fit into \p box. Returns the provided camera options object unchanged upon error.

open override fun cameraForCoordinates(coordinates: List<Point>, camera: CameraOptions, box: ScreenBox): CameraOptions

Convert to a camera options from a given list of points, padding, bearing and pitch values.

In order for this method to produce correct results MapView must be already measured and inflated to have correct width and height values. Calling this method in Activity.onCreate will lead to incorrect results.

open override fun cameraForCoordinates(coordinates: List<Point>, padding: EdgeInsets, bearing: Double?, pitch: Double?): CameraOptions
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Convert to a camera options from a given geometry, padding, bearing and pitch values.

In order for this method to produce correct results MapView must be already measured and inflated to have correct width and height values. Calling this method in Activity.onCreate will lead to incorrect results.

open override fun cameraForGeometry(geometry: Geometry, padding: EdgeInsets, bearing: Double?, pitch: Double?): CameraOptions
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Convert to a LatLngBounds from a given camera options.

In order for this method to produce correct results MapView must be already measured and inflated to have correct width and height values. Calling this method in Activity.onCreate will lead to incorrect results.

open override fun coordinateBoundsForCamera(cameraOptions: CameraOptions): CoordinateBounds
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Returns the coordinate bounds and zoom for a given camera.

In order for this method to produce correct results MapView must be already measured and inflated to have correct width and height values. Calling this method in Activity.onCreate will lead to incorrect results.

Note that if the given camera shows the antimeridian, the returned wrapped bounds might not represent the minimum bounding box.

See also {@link #coordinateBoundsZoomForCameraUnwrapped}

open override fun coordinateBoundsZoomForCamera(cameraOptions: CameraOptions): CoordinateBoundsZoom
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Returns the unwrapped coordinate bounds and zoom for a given camera.

In order for this method to produce correct results MapView must be already measured and inflated to have correct width and height values. Calling this method in Activity.onCreate will lead to incorrect results.

This method is particularly useful, if the camera shows the antimeridian.

open override fun coordinateBoundsZoomForCameraUnwrapped(cameraOptions: CameraOptions): CoordinateBoundsZoom
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Calculate a geographical coordinate(i.e., longitude-latitude pair) that corresponds to a screen coordinate.

The screen coordinate is in MapOptions.size platform pixels relative to the top left of the map (not of the whole screen).

Map must be fully loaded for getting an altitude-compliant result if using 3D terrain.

open override fun coordinateForPixel(screenCoordinate: ScreenCoordinate): Point
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Calculate a longitude-latitude pair for a Spherical Mercator projected meters.

open override fun coordinateForProjectedMeters(projectedMeters: ProjectedMeters): Point
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Calculate geographical coordinates(i.e., longitude-latitude pair) that corresponds to screen coordinates.

The screen coordinates are in MapOptions.size platform pixels relative to the top left of the map (not of the whole screen).

Map must be fully loaded for getting an altitude-compliant result if using 3D terrain.

open override fun coordinatesForPixels(pixels: List<ScreenCoordinate>): List<Point>
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Ends the ongoing drag gesture. This function should be called always after the user has ended a drag gesture initiated by dragStart.

open override fun dragEnd()
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Prepares the drag gesture to use the provided screen coordinate as a pivot point. This function should be called each time when user starts a dragging action (e.g. by clicking on the map). The following dragging will be relative to the pivot.

open override fun dragStart(point: ScreenCoordinate)
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Dump debug logs

fun dumpDebugLogs()
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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Call extension function on GesturesPlugin. In most cases should not be called directly.

open override fun gesturesPlugin(function: GesturesPlugin.() -> Any?): Any?
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Get the map bounds options.

open override fun getBounds(): BoundOptions
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Get the current camera options given an optional padding.

open override fun getCameraOptions(edgeInsets: EdgeInsets?): CameraOptions
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Get debug options

fun getDebug(): List<MapDebugOptions>
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Calculates target point where camera should move after drag. The method should be called after dragStart and before dragEnd.

open override fun getDragCameraOptions(fromPoint: ScreenCoordinate, toPoint: ScreenCoordinate): CameraOptions
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Get elevation for given coordinate. Value is available only for the visible region on the screen, if terrain (DEM) tile is available.

fun getElevation(coordinate: Point): Double?
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Get the state map of a feature within a style source.

Note that updates to feature state are asynchronous, so changes made by other methods might not be immediately visible.

fun getFeatureState(sourceId: String, sourceLayerId: String?, featureId: String, callback: QueryFeatureStateCallback)
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Get the map's current free camera options. After mutation, it should be set back to the map.

fun getFreeCameraOptions(): FreeCameraOptions
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Get map options.

open override fun getMapOptions(): MapOptions
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Get maximum zoom.

open override fun getMaxZoom(): Double
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Calculate distance spanned by one pixel at the specified latitude at current zoom level.

open override fun getMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(latitude: Double): Double

Calculate distance spanned by one pixel at the specified latitude and zoom level.

open override fun getMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(latitude: Double, zoom: Double): Double
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Get minimum zoom.

open override fun getMinZoom(): Double
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Get the prefetch zoom delta

fun getPrefetchZoomDelta(): Byte
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Get the ResourceOptions the map was initialized with.

fun getResourceOptions(): ResourceOptions
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The current zoom factor applied on the map meaning 2 ^ Current zoom

open override fun getScale(): Double
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Gets the size of the map.

open override fun getSize(): Size
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Get the Style of the map synchronously, will return null is style is not loaded yet.

fun getStyle(): Style?

Get the Style of the map asynchronously.

fun getStyle(onStyleLoaded: Style.OnStyleLoaded)
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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Returns if the style has been fully loaded.

open override fun isFullyLoaded(): Boolean
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Returns if a gesture is in progress.

open override fun isGestureInProgress(): Boolean
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Returns if user animation is currently in progress.

open override fun isUserAnimationInProgress(): Boolean
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Load the style from Style Extension.

fun loadStyle(styleExtension: StyleContract.StyleExtension, onStyleLoaded: Style.OnStyleLoaded)
fun loadStyle(styleExtension: StyleContract.StyleExtension, onStyleLoaded: Style.OnStyleLoaded?, onMapLoadErrorListener: OnMapLoadErrorListener?)
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Load style JSON.

fun loadStyleJSON(json: String, onStyleLoaded: Style.OnStyleLoaded)

Load style JSON

fun loadStyleJSON(json: String, onStyleLoaded: Style.OnStyleLoaded?, onMapLoadErrorListener: OnMapLoadErrorListener?)
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Will load a new map style asynchronous from the specified URI.

fun loadStyleUri(styleUri: String, onStyleLoaded: Style.OnStyleLoaded)

Will load a new map style asynchronous from the specified URI.

URI can take the following forms:

  • Constants: load one of the bundled styles in Style.

  • mapbox://styles/<user>/<style>: loads the style from a Mapbox account. user is your username. style is the ID of your custom style created in Mapbox Studio.

  • http://... or https://...: loads the style over the Internet from any web server.

  • asset://...: loads the style from the APK assets directory. This is used to load a style bundled with your app.

  • file://...: loads the style from a file path. This is used to load a style from disk.

fun loadStyleUri(styleUri: String, onStyleLoaded: Style.OnStyleLoaded?, onMapLoadErrorListener: OnMapLoadErrorListener?)
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Calculate a screen coordinate that corresponds to a geographical coordinate (i.e., longitude-latitude pair).

The screen coordinate is in MapOptions.size platform pixels relative to the top left of the map (not of the whole screen).

Map must be fully loaded for getting an altitude-compliant result if using 3D terrain.

open override fun pixelForCoordinate(point: Point): ScreenCoordinate
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Calculate screen coordinates that corresponds to geographical coordinates (i.e., longitude-latitude pair).

The screen coordinates are in MapOptions.size platform pixels relative to the top left of the map (not of the whole screen).

Map must be fully loaded for getting an altitude-compliant result if using 3D terrain.

open override fun pixelsForCoordinates(coordinates: List<Point>): List<ScreenCoordinate>
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Calculate a point on the map in Mercator Projection for a given coordinate at the specified zoom scale.

open override fun project(point: Point, zoomScale: Double): MercatorCoordinate
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Calculate Spherical Mercator ProjectedMeters coordinates.

open override fun projectedMetersForCoordinate(point: Point): ProjectedMeters
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Queries for feature extension values in a GeoJSON source.

fun queryFeatureExtensions(sourceIdentifier: String, feature: Feature, extension: String, extensionField: String, args: HashMap<String, Value>?, callback: QueryFeatureExtensionCallback)
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Queries the map for rendered features.

open override fun queryRenderedFeatures(box: ScreenBox, options: RenderedQueryOptions, callback: QueryFeaturesCallback)
open override fun queryRenderedFeatures(pixel: ScreenCoordinate, options: RenderedQueryOptions, callback: QueryFeaturesCallback)
open override fun queryRenderedFeatures(shape: List<ScreenCoordinate?>, options: RenderedQueryOptions, callback: QueryFeaturesCallback)
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Queries the map for source features.

open override fun querySourceFeatures(sourceId: String, options: SourceQueryOptions, callback: QueryFeaturesCallback)
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Reduce memory use. Useful to call when the application gets paused or sent to background.

fun reduceMemoryUse()
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Remove entries from a feature state map.

Remove a specified entry or all entries from a feature's state map, depending on the value of stateKey.

Note that updates to feature state are asynchronous, so changes made by this method migth not be immediately visible using getStateFeature().

fun removeFeatureState(sourceId: String, sourceLayerId: String?, featureId: String, stateKey: String?)
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Remove the camera change listener.

open override fun removeOnCameraChangeListener(onCameraChangeListener: OnCameraChangeListener)
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Remove the map idle listener.

open override fun removeOnMapIdleListener(onMapIdleListener: OnMapIdleListener)
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Remove the map loaded listener.

open override fun removeOnMapLoadedListener(onMapLoadedListener: OnMapLoadedListener)
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Remove the map error listener.

open override fun removeOnMapLoadErrorListener(onMapLoadErrorListener: OnMapLoadErrorListener)
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Remove the render frame finished listener.

open override fun removeOnRenderFrameFinishedListener(onRenderFrameFinishedListener: OnRenderFrameFinishedListener)
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Remove the render frame started listener.

open override fun removeOnRenderFrameStartedListener(onRenderFrameStartedListener: OnRenderFrameStartedListener)
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Remove the source added listener.

open override fun removeOnSourceAddedListener(onSourceAddedListener: OnSourceAddedListener)
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Remove the source data loaded listener.

open override fun removeOnSourceDataLoadedListener(onSourceDataLoadedListener: OnSourceDataLoadedListener)
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Remove the source removed listener.

open override fun removeOnSourceRemovedListener(onSourceRemovedListener: OnSourceRemovedListener)
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Remove the style data loaded listener

open override fun removeOnStyleDataLoadedListener(onStyleDataLoadedListener: OnStyleDataLoadedListener)
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Remove the style image missing listener.

open override fun removeOnStyleImageMissingListener(onStyleImageMissingListener: OnStyleImageMissingListener)
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Remove the style image unused listener.

open override fun removeOnStyleImageUnusedListener(onStyleImageUnusedListener: OnStyleImageUnusedListener)
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Remove the style loaded listener.

open override fun removeOnStyleLoadedListener(onStyleLoadedListener: OnStyleLoadedListener)
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Set the map bounds.

open override fun setBounds(boundOptions: BoundOptions)
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Changes the map view by any combination of center, zoom, bearing, and pitch, without an animated transition. The map will retain its current values for any details not passed via the camera options argument.

open override fun setCamera(cameraOptions: CameraOptions)

Sets the map view with the free camera options.

FreeCameraOptions provides more direct access to the underlying camera entity. For backwards compatibility the state set using this API must be representable with CameraOptions as well. Parameters are clamped to a valid range or discarded as invalid if the conversion to the pitch and bearing presentation is ambiguous. For example orientation can be invalid if it leads to the camera being upside down or the quaternion has zero length.

fun setCamera(options: FreeCameraOptions)
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Set the map constrain mode

open override fun setConstrainMode(constrainMode: ConstrainMode)
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Set debug options

fun setDebug(debugOptions: List<MapDebugOptions>, enabled: Boolean)
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fun setDefaultFramebufferObject(framebufferId: Int)
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Update the state map of a feature within a style source.

Update entries in the state map of a given feature within a style source. Only entries listed in the \p state map will be updated. An entry in the feature state map that is not listed in \p state will retain its previous value.

Note that updates to feature state are asynchronous, so changes made by this method migth not be immediately visible using getStateFeature().

fun setFeatureState(sourceId: String, sourceLayerId: String?, featureId: String, state: Value)
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Notify map about gesture being in progress.

open override fun setGestureInProgress(inProgress: Boolean)
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Set the map north orientation

open override fun setNorthOrientation(northOrientation: NorthOrientation)
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Set the prefetch zoom delta

fun setPrefetchZoomDelta(delta: Byte)
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Tells the map rendering engine that the animation is currently performed by the user (e.g. with a setCamera() calls series). It adjusts the engine for the animation use case. In particular, it brings more stability to symbol placement and rendering.

open override fun setUserAnimationInProgress(inProgress: Boolean)
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Set the map viewport mode

open override fun setViewportMode(viewportMode: ViewportMode)
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Subscribes an Observer to a provided list of event types. Observable will hold a strong reference to an \sa Observer instance, therefore, in order to stop receiving notifications, caller must call unsubscribe with an \sa Observer instance used for an initial subscription.

open override fun subscribe(observer: Observer, events: List<String>)
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open override fun toString(): String
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Triggers a repaint of the map.

fun triggerRepaint()
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Calculate a coordinate for a given point on the map in Mercator Projection.

open override fun unproject(coordinate: MercatorCoordinate, zoomScale: Double): Point
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Unsubscribes an Observer from all events.

open override fun unsubscribe(observer: Observer)

Unsubscribes an Observer from a provided list of event types.

open override fun unsubscribe(observer: Observer, events: List<String>)