
Search results view

SearchResultsView - is a UI component that can display search results list. Technically, this is a subclass of the RecyclerView with predefined Adapter where items represent search states, for example, search result items that display details like name, address, distance to the place from user's location, and icon.


SearchResultsView inherits all the functionality from Android SDK RecyclerView, it can be added to your layout the way you would add any other UI element:

val searchResultsView = findViewById<SearchResultsView>(R.id.search_results_view)

To make SearchResultsView work properly, you will have to call initialize() function where you will need to pass CommonSearchViewConfiguration object with DistanceUnitType, which tells the view how to display distances, in meters or miles:


To fill the view with the items, you will need to call setAdapterItems() function where you will need to provider the list of SearchResultAdapterItem. SearchResultAdapterItem is an abstract class which provides a list of predefined subtypes that can be used as adapter items. The subtypes are:

These types should be combined together in the way that represent one of possible search states. Let's look at the code example. The following code snippet shows user's search history on the SearchResultsView:

  1. Initially we show SearchResultAdapterItem.Loading item that indicates the progress of search history loading operation
  2. Load search history items
  3. If the loading operation completed successfully, we show loading items and Recent searches header
  4. If the loading operation failed, we show error
fun showSearchHistory() {
val historyDataProvider = ServiceProvider.INSTANCE.historyDataProvider()

// Show `loading` item that indicates the progress of `search history` loading operation.

// Load `search history`
loadingTask = historyDataProvider.getAll(object : CompletionCallback<List<HistoryRecord>> {
override fun onComplete(result: List<HistoryRecord>) {
val viewItems = mutableListOf<SearchResultAdapterItem>().apply {
// Add `Recent searches` header

// Add history record items
addAll(result.map { history ->
isFavorite = false

// Show prepared items

override fun onError(e: Exception) {
// Show error in case of failure
val errorItem = SearchResultAdapterItem.Error(UiError.createFromException(e))

Each setAdapterItems() call replaces previous added items, so we don't need to explicitly remove loading item when we want to show search history elements.


SearchResultsView is a flexible view which is not tied to concrete SDK. For example, you can use it to show search results from any source like Search Engine, Offline Search Engine, Address Autofill, etc.

Search UI provides ready-made adapters for the SearchResultsView that implement interactions with the core parts of SDK and provide simplified interface for users.


SearchEngineUiAdapter is an adapter for the Search Engine and Offline Search Engine. SearchEngineUiAdapter implements logic that:

  • Shows search history when search query is empty
  • Shows search suggestions when a user types search query
  • Switches between online and offline search engines depending on device's connectivity

To integrate SearchEngineUiAdapter into your app, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Instantiate the SearchEngineUiAdapter
val searchResultsView = findViewById<SearchResultsView>(R.id.search_results_view)
// searchResultsView initialization

val searchEngine = SearchEngine.createSearchEngineWithBuiltInDataProviders(

val offlineSearchEngine = OfflineSearchEngine.create(

val searchEngineUiAdapter = SearchEngineUiAdapter(
view = searchResultsView,
searchEngine = searchEngine,
offlineSearchEngine = offlineSearchEngine,
  1. Add SearchEngineUiAdapter.SearchListener to process user clicks and search events
searchEngineUiAdapter.addSearchListener(object : SearchEngineUiAdapter.SearchListener {
// interface implementation
  1. Call search() function when the query text is changed by the user
fun onQueryTextChange(newText: String) {

That's it! These steps are enough to add search experience to your app. Explore all the SearchEngineUiAdapter's functionality in the SearchEngineUiAdapter API reference page.

Below you can find a complete sample that shows integration of the SearchEngineUiAdapter with Place card and Maps SDK.

Search Engine example

Search Engine example that utilizes the SearchResultsView UI component with SearchEngineUiAdapter.


AddressAutofillUiAdapter is an adapter for the Address Autofill SDK.

This integration is like the SearchEngineUiAdapter integration.

  1. Instantiate the AddressAutofillUiAdapter
val searchResultsView = findViewById<SearchResultsView>(R.id.search_results_view)
// searchResultsView initialization

val addressAutofill = AddressAutofill.create(getString(R.string.mapbox_access_token))

val addressAutofillUiAdapter = AddressAutofillUiAdapter(
view = searchResultsView,
addressAutofill = addressAutofill
  1. Add AddressAutofillUiAdapter.SearchListener to process user clicks and autofill events
addressAutofillUiAdapter.addSearchListener(object : AddressAutofillUiAdapter.SearchListener {
// interface implementation
  1. Call search() function when the query text is changed by the user. search() is a suspend function which should be called only from a coroutine or another suspend function. In this short example we will assume that we call it from Activity's lifecycleScope:
fun onQueryTextChange(newText: String) {
val query = Query.create(newText)
if (query != null) {
lifecycleScope.launchWhenStarted {

That's it? Explore all the AddressAutofillUiAdapter's functionality in the AddressAutofillUiAdapter API reference page.

Below you can find a complete sample that shows integration of the AddressAutofillUiAdapter.

Address Autofill example

Search Engine example that utilizes the SearchResultsView UI component with AddressAutofillUiAdapter.
