
Search history

Search history is a list of the most recent search results selected on a device. Technically, it's a predefined type of Data Provider that stores HistoryRecord.

Working with search history

Search history is available via HistoryDataProvider which can be obtained from the ServiceProvider.historyDataProvider:

val historyDataProvider = ServiceProvider.INSTANCE.historyDataProvider()

As any other Data provider, HistoryDataProvider gives the API to read or modify search history entries.

Search history

Learn how to access all saved search history records.

SearchEngine with HistoryDataProvider

If a user has searched in your app before, SearchEngine with attached HistoryDataProvider will suggest results from their search history that match the query.

If a SearchEngine instance is created via SearchEngine.createSearchEngineWithBuiltInDataProviders(), the HistoryDataProvider is already attached to the SearchEngine. Otherwise, HistoryDataProvider can be attached later:

val searchEngine = SearchEngine.createSearchEngine(

val registerTask = searchEngine.registerDataProvider(
object : CompletionCallback<Unit> {
override fun onComplete(result: Unit) {
Log.i("SearchApiExample", "History data provider has been attached")

override fun onError(e: Exception) {
Log.i("SearchApiExample", "Unable to attach history data provider", e)

The SearchEngine automatically adds to a user’s history every time a single suggestion is selected with SearchEngine.select(suggestion: SearchSuggestion, ...):

fun processSuggestions(suggestions: List<SearchSuggestion>) {
val suggestion: SearchSuggestion = pickSuggestion()
val selectionTask = searchEngine.select(suggestion, object : SearchSelectionCallback {
override fun onSuggestions(suggestions: List<SearchSuggestion>, responseInfo: ResponseInfo) {
// ...

override fun onResult(
suggestion: SearchSuggestion,
result: SearchResult,
responseInfo: ResponseInfo,
) {
// Resolved result was added to `HistoryDataProvider`
// ...

override fun onResults(
suggestion: SearchSuggestion,
results: List<SearchResult>,
responseInfo: ResponseInfo
) {
// ...

override fun onError(e: Exception) {
// ...

To opt-out saving search result to the search history, provide SelectOptions with addResultToHistory set to false:

searchEngine.select(suggestions.first(), SelectOptions(addResultToHistory = false), callback)

SearchEngine doesn't add anything to the search history in case of reverse geocoding, category search, and when suggestion selection ends with error or category search results. For example when SearchSelectionCallback.onResults() was called. In this case you can add selected search result to the search history on your own:

private fun addToSearchHistory(searchResult: SearchResult, historyDataProvider: HistoryDataProvider) {
if (searchResult.indexableRecord is HistoryRecord) {
// searchResult is a search history entry

val historyRecord = HistoryRecord(
id = searchResult.id,
name = searchResult.name,
descriptionText = searchResult.descriptionText,
address = searchResult.address,
routablePoints = searchResult.routablePoints,
categories = searchResult.categories,
makiIcon = searchResult.makiIcon,
coordinate = searchResult.coordinate,
type = searchResult.types.first(),
metadata = searchResult.metadata,
timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(),

val upsertTask = historyDataProvider.upsert(historyRecord, object : CompletionCallback<Unit> {
override fun onComplete(result: Unit) {
Log.i("SearchApiExample", "$historyRecord is saved to the search history")

override fun onError(e: Exception) {
Log.i("SearchApiExample", "Unable to save $historyRecord to the search history", e)

Search history in UI

The SearchEngineUiAdapter uses search history in the following ways:

  • Show recent searches in its initial state or when SearchEngineUiAdapter.search() was called with an empty search query.
  • When a user starts to type a query, Search SDK will use the history to populate the suggestions drop down.
  • When a user clicks on a search result, the search result is added to the search history.
  • When a user swipes a recent search record, it is removed from the search history.