
Route replay

Testing and previewing the navigation experience is an important part of building with the Navigation SDK. For example, you may want to investigate how turn-by-turn navigation performed during test rides as you develop, test, and demo your work. You can use the SDK's route replay functionality to go back in time and replay real rides.

Implement replay

The Navigation SDK's replay framework is comprised of two core classes:

  • MapboxReplayer handles shifting historical event timestamps into real-time events.
  • ReplayEventBase is an interface for anything with a time unit. The time basis can be months in the past, in the future, or starting at 0.0.

There are also several helper classes you can use to create and listen to replay events:

Record and use history files

Record a history file

To record a trip as a history file:

  1. (Optional) Specify history file location using HistoryRecorderOptions:

    mapboxNavigation = MapboxNavigation(

    You can skip this step, then the default location (<app_directory>/files/mbx_nav/history) will be used.

  2. Start recording:

  3. Stop recording and the history file will be available in the path returned:

    mapboxNavigation.historyRecorder.stopRecording { filePath ->
    if (filePath != null) {
    // move to a different path or upload to the cloud
    // optionally, immediately start the next recording session outside of the callback:

Retrieve history files

There are two ways to retrieve a recorded history file to be used on a device:

  • Store the JSON file in a directory and read the file. The Navigation SDK test app's ReplayHistoryActivity example uses this approach. The file is stored in the app's assets folder.
  • Host history files somewhere in a cloud-based backend database (for example Firebase, Amazon Web Services, or GitHub Pages).

Replay history data

After you've retrieved the history file, you can replay the history data using MapboxReplayer:

  1. Map the history string to replay events using ReplayHistoryMapper.
  2. Push the events into the MapboxReplayer.pushEvents(..).
  3. Substitute your LocationEngine with a ReplayLocationEngine.
  4. Call MapboxReplayer.play().
  1. When done call MapboxReplayer.finish() to stop and clean up the replayer.
Replay history

Replay history using real data by reading a history string from a file and replaying it with the Navigation SDK.

Create custom events

You can create custom events and play them on their own or play them through history files.

Replay custom events

You can replay any event to test on its own (without a history file), for example a map gesture event or zooming in and out of the map.

Start by setting up a custom event that implements ReplayEventBase. ReplayEventBase is a base interface event that can be implemented with any event you want to test:

private data class ReplayEventInitialRoute(
override val eventTimestamp: Double,
val coordinates: List<LatLng>
) : ReplayEventBase

Then, set up the MapboxReplayer and ReplayHistoryMapper classes:

val mapboxReplayer = MapboxReplayer()

val replayHistoryMapper = ReplayHistoryMapper(customEventMappper, logger)

Create a ReplayHistoryLocationEngine object and give it to MapboxNavigation via the NavigationOptions when you build a MapboxNavigation object. This way, MapboxNavigation will use the Location objects:

val navigationOptions = NavigationOptions.Builder(context)

mapboxNavigation = MapboxNavigation(navigationOptions)

Get history events:

val replayEvents = replayHistoryMapper.mapToReplayEvents(rideHistoryExampleJsonString)

Then, you can give the custom event to the MapboxReplayer via MapboxReplayer.pushEvents():


The MapboxReplayer also has a seekTo() method function to move the player to timestamp that you want to play.

Finally, start replaying the events:

playReplay.setOnClickListener {

Replay custom events from history files

Navigation history files have several predefined events, which can be retrieved with the MapboxNavigation class:

val historyString = mapboxNavigation.retrieveHistory()

Custom events can also be created and added to the history file:

mapboxNavigation.addHistoryEvent(eventTypeString, eventJsonProperties)

You must create a custom class that implements the Navigation SDK's CustomEventMapper interface to replay the history file's custom events.

private class ReplayCustomEventMapper : CustomEventMapper {
override fun map(eventType: String, event: LinkedTreeMap<*, *>): ReplayEventBase? {
return when (eventType) {
"initial_route" -> {
val properties = event["properties"] as LinkedTreeMap<*, *>
val routeOptions = properties["routeOptions"] as LinkedTreeMap<*, *>
val coordinates = routeOptions["coordinates"] as List<List<Double>>
val coordinatesLatLng = coordinates.map { LatLng(it[1], it[0]) }
eventTimestamp = event["event_timestamp"] as Double,
coordinates = coordinatesLatLng
else -> null