
Upcoming maneuvers banner customization

You can customize the upcoming maneuvers banner by providing your own UI written in Jetpack Compose.

For constructing the upcoming maneuvers content, the following classes are used:

class UpcomingManeuversUiState(
val shields: Set<RouteShield>,
val maneuvers: List<DashManeuver>,
val onHideUpcomingManeuversClicked: () -> Unit,

class DashRouteManeuver(
val maneuver: Maneuver,
val formattedStepDistance: Pair<String, String>,
) : DashManeuver

class DashArrivalManeuver(
val searchResult: DashSearchResult?,
) : DashManeuver

The UpcomingManeuversUiState class provides details for rendering maneuvers content. Its parameters include:

  • maneuvers: Information about the upcoming maneuvers.
  • shields: A set of RouteShield objects for visual representation.
  • onHideUpcomingManeuversClicked: A function to close upcoming maneuvers view.

The DashRouteManeuver class provides details for a maneuver. Its parameters include:

  • maneuver: Information about the next maneuver.
  • formattedStepDistance: A pair of the formatted distance to the next maneuver and units of measurement.

The DashArrivalManeuver class provides details for a destination point. Its parameters include:

  • searchResult: Information about the destination point.

Customizing Upcoming maneuvers Content

The setUpcomingManeuvers function in DashNavigationFragment enables you to define custom content for the upcoming maneuvers view. It accepts a UpcomingManeuversUiComposer, which is a composable function with two parameters: modifier and state. The modifier is an instance of Modifier, used for layout adjustments. The state is an instance of UpcomingManeuversUiState, encapsulating the information needed to render the maneuvers.

Example Usage

To set a custom maneuver implementation:

fragment.setUpcomingManeuvers { state, modifier ->
CustomUpcomingManeuversView(state, modifier)

The CustomUpcomingManeuversView composable defines how the maneuvers are displayed using the provided UpcomingManeuversUiState.

To revert to the default implementation at runtime:

fragment.setUpcomingManeuvers { state, modifier ->
DefaultUpcomingManeuversView(state, modifier)

For additional examples, refer to the Dash Android Examples repository.
