
String IDs

This document consists of all string resources that UX Framework uses by default. You can override them in your application code. See the text assets guide for details.

Text assets

The document about how to configure text assets in the app built on top of the UX Framework.


dash_animation_scaleAnimation scale: %.1f
dash_application_themeApplication theme
dash_arrival_feedback_textHow was your trip?Message to provide feedback after arriving at the destination.
dash_arrival_messageYou’ve arrived at your destinationMessage to tell user they are arriving at their destination
dash_arrival_message_vcu_metadataYou’ve arrivedMessage to tell user they are arriving at their destination in short form (for VCU cluster, etc.)
dash_arrived_textArrivedMessage to tell user they are arriving at their destination
dash_attribution_parking_textPlease park to view Attribution.Message shown when trying to view attribution while driving
dash_attribution_titleAttributionMenu item to view attribution
dash_audio_unavailableAudio unavailableButton state when audio is unavailable
dash_back_to_playlistsBack To Playlists
dash_bad_routeBad\nRouteFeedback button
dash_bearingMap bearing: %.2f
dash_call_on_starCall OnStarButton to call onStar
dash_camera_debug_toggle_infoShow Camera Debug InfoToggle to show/hide camera info
dash_category_chargingChargingButton on Search screen to show EV charging station results
dash_category_coffeeCoffeeButton on Search screen to show coffee results
dash_category_favoritesFavoritesButton on Search screen to show favorite destinations
dash_category_foodFoodButton on Search screen to show food results
dash_category_fuelFuelButton on Search screen to show fuel results
dash_category_item_name%1d. %2s
dash_category_parkingParkingButton on Search screen to show parking results
dash_category_recentsRecentsButton on Search screen to show recent destinations
dash_charge_levelSoC Level
dash_charge_station_help_textSelect your charger
dash_charge_station_ports_available_ratio%d/%d available
dash_charge_station_power"%1$s kW"
dash_charge_station_power_and_adapter"%1$s · %2$s"
dash_charge_station_power_and_price"%1$s kW · %2$s"
dash_charge_station_total%d Charger
dash_charging_adapter_powerKW/HTable heading - abbreviation - kilowatts per hour
dash_charging_adapter_quantityChargersTable heading - available/total plugs
dash_charging_adapter_typePlug typeTable heading - type of charging station
dash_charging_level_1_chargeLevel 1Abbreviation - Level 1 charging
dash_charging_level_1_charge_with_postfixLevel 1 %s
dash_charging_level_2charger L2
dash_charging_level_2_chargeLevel 2Abbreviation - Level 2 charging
dash_charging_level_2_charge_with_postfixLevel 2 %s
dash_charging_level_2_charge_with_prefix%s Level 2Abbreviation - Level 2 charging
dash_charging_level_3charger L3
dash_charging_level_fast_chargeDC FastAbbreviation - DC fast charging
dash_charging_level_fast_charge_with_postfixDC Fast %s
dash_charging_level_fast_charge_with_prefix%s DC FastAbbreviation - DC fast charging
dash_checkout_estimated_totalEstimated Total to 80%
dash_checkout_price_per_hourPrice per hour
dash_checkout_redacted_card_number\u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 %1$s
dash_checkout_start_chargingStart Charging
dash_checkout_transaction_feeTransaction Fee
dash_close_appClose AppButton to close the app
dash_confusing_instructionsConfusing\nInstructionsFeedback button
dash_connect_credit_card_infoConnect\na credit card
dash_current_engine_typeCurrent engine typeLabel to force engine type
dash_current_traffic_aggressiveness_typeAggressiveness on route lineLabel to force traffic aggressiveness type
dash_current_weather_not_availableNot Available
dash_current_weather_typeCurrent weather typeLabel to force weather type
dash_day_shortdSingle letter abbreviation for 'days'
dash_debug_app_versionVersionToggle to show/hide current version
dash_debug_app_version_number%s (%s)
dash_debug_info_is_not_implementedUploading reports is disabled for this project.
dash_debug_info_upload_startedUploading the debug information
dash_debug_info_uploadedDebug info was uploaded. Thank you!
dash_debug_info_uploaded_but_not_postedDebug info was uploaded, but not posted in slack. Thank you!
dash_debug_is_turned_offDebug is turned OFF
dash_debug_is_turned_onDebug is turned ON
dash_debug_route_markers_infoShow Route Markers Debug InfoToggle to show/hide route markers debug info
dash_debug_send_debug_info_buttonDisplay Send Debug Info buttonToggle to show/hide send debug info button
dash_debug_toggle_infoDisplay Debug infoToggle to show/hide debug info
dash_debug_toggle_points_along_routeDisplay SAR pointsToggle to show/hide route points for the search along the route
dash_debug_toggle_simulate_locationSimulate locationToggle to simulate location
dash_debug_toggle_ui_scalingApply UI scaling
dash_desc_loading_spinnerThe loading spinner
dash_destination_already_addedThis destination point has already been added to your routeMessage when you try to add a destination that's already been added
dash_destination_card_add_stopAdd as a stopButton to add a POI as a stop on the current route
dash_destination_card_driving_notification_textSome content hidden while driving.Message to alert user that some content is hidden
dash_destination_card_more_infoMore infoButton to tap to see more information on a search result
dash_destination_card_new_routeStart a new routeButton to start a new route
dash_destination_card_place_closedClosedLabel showing whether POI is open or closed
dash_destination_card_place_openedOpen today from\n%sLabel showing whether POI is open or closed
dash_destination_card_preview_routePreview routeButton to see a preview of the route
dash_destination_card_replace_destinationReplace destinationButton to replace current navigation with new POI
dash_destination_card_replace_stopReplace stopButton to replace the current destination with the new POI
dash_destination_card_start_navigationNavigateButton to start navigation
dash_dialog_force_restart_app_messageTo refresh new environment settings the application will be force stopped. Open it again manually.
dash_dialog_force_restart_app_titleThe application will be stopped
dash_dialog_force_restart_positive_buttonOKForce restart application dialog
dash_display_speed_limitsDisplay Speed LimitsToggle to switch on/off speed limits
dash_display_speed_warningsDisplay WarningsButton to display debug info in Debug Menu
dash_empty_favorites_headerTap the heart button on search results to add favorites.Copy shown when 'favorites' list is empty
dash_empty_history_non_system_userRecents are available only for authorized users.Copy shown on Recents screen if user is not logged in
dash_empty_history_startYour recent destinations will show up here.\nCopy shown when 'recents' list is empty
dash_empty_search_results_feedbackNothing found. Report feedback?Card that displays when no search results shown
dash_end_active_guidanceEndMessage to finish active guidance
dash_end_active_guidance_end_routeEnd routeButton to end current route
dash_end_active_guidance_remove_stopRemove stopButton to remove waypoint from current route
dash_end_active_guidance_remove_stop_messageStop removedMessage to confirm removal of stop from current route
dash_error_message_general_offlineThis operation is not available in offlineError message displayed when feature not available offline
dash_error_message_general_onlineSomething went wrong…Error message displayed when something goes wrong
dash_error_message_search_offlineNo connectivityError message displayed when there is no app connectivity
dash_error_message_search_offline_canadaNo connectivity or\ndata available
dash_error_message_search_onlineNo results found - please try againError message displayed when something goes wrong during search
dash_error_to_log_in_messageError to log in
dash_ev_category_search_fast_charger_availabilityFast %1$d/%2$d
dash_ev_category_search_fast_charger_availability_unknownFast %1$d
dash_ev_category_search_slow_charger_availabilitySlow %1$d/%2$d
dash_ev_category_search_slow_charger_availability_unknownSlow %1$d
dash_ev_charge_fastDC Fast
dash_ev_charge_slowLevel 2
dash_ev_max_battery_capacityMax Battery Capacity
dash_ev_max_charge_rateMax Charge Rate
dash_ev_min_charge_destinationEV Destination Min SoC
dash_ev_min_charge_stationEV Station Min SoC
dash_ev_search_unknown_chargerUnknown charger
dash_favorite_addedPlace is added
dash_favorite_adding_errorError happened
dash_favorite_already_addedThis place has been already added
dash_favorites_add_favoriteAdd Favorite
dash_favorites_set_homeSet Home
dash_favorites_set_workSet Work
dash_feedback_driving_messagePark to view stats
dash_feedback_pending_reviewPending review
dash_feedback_sent_messageThank you for\nyour feedback!Message shown when feedback button pressed
dash_feedback_statistics_messageYour feedback improves\n your map dailyFeedback statistics message
dash_feedback_titleReport errorHeader copy on feedback screen (inviting user to provide feedback)
dash_feels_likeFeels like %1$d\u00B0%2$s
dash_freezing_rain_textFreezing Rain
dash_full_search_alexa_tipTip: Search faster by setting up Alexa voice search with the Alexa App.Tip shown on full search screen to promote Alexa. Keep tags.
dash_full_search_alexa_tip_installedTip: Search faster with Alexa voice search.Tip shown on full search screen to promote Alexa when Alexa app is installed. Keep tags.
dash_full_search_no_gps_descriptionWithout GPS signal, we cannot complete the search requestMessage returned when trying to search with no cell signal
dash_full_search_no_gps_titleNo GPS signalMessage shown when no mobile signal available
dash_full_search_no_internet_canada_titleNo connectivity or data available
dash_full_search_no_internet_descriptionWithout internet connection, we cannot complete the search requestMessage description returned when trying to search with no cell signal
dash_full_search_no_internet_titleNo internet connectionMessage title returned when trying to search with no cell signal
dash_full_search_no_signal_descriptionWithout a signal, we cannot complete the search requestMessage description returned when trying to search with no cell and GPS signal
dash_full_search_no_signal_titleNo internet connection and GPSMessage title returned when trying to search with no cell and GPS signal
dash_full_search_nothing_found_descriptionSorry, we can't find any results for "%s"Message description returned when search result is empty
dash_full_search_nothing_found_titleNothing foundMessage title returned when search result is empty
dash_guest_history_bodyCreate or sign-in to a driver profile to save your recent destinations between trips.Copy shown when on 'recents' when user is guest
dash_guest_history_headerYour recent destinations appear here.\nCopy shown when on 'recents' when user is guest
dash_hide_playlistsHide Playlists
dash_hour_shorthSingle letter abbreviation for 'hours'
dash_hvac_levelHVAC Level
dash_illegal_turnIllegal\nTurnFeedback button
dash_incorrect_addressIncorrect\naddressFeedback button
dash_incorrect_locationIncorrect\nlocationFeedback button
dash_incorrect_nameIncorrect\nnameFeedback button
dash_instruction_view_nowNowMessage on maneuver view to turn now
dash_legal_message© 2023, Mapbox\nAll right reserved
dash_llm_profile_dialog_titleLLM Profile
dash_llm_profile_nameProfile name
dash_logout_dialog_messageAre you sure you want to log out?
dash_logout_dialog_positive_buttonLog out
dash_low_soc_search_suggestion_chargingFind chargingButton shown on screen offering to show nearby EV charging stations when state of charge is low
dash_map_3d_lighteningMap 3d lighting
dash_map_fpsMap FPS: %d
dash_map_recenter_action_followFollow mode
dash_map_recenter_action_northRotate north
dash_map_recenter_action_overviewRoute overview
dash_map_traffic_toggle_infoShow Map Traffic on the MapToggle to show/hide traffic on the map
dash_mapbox_confidentialMAPBOX CONFIDENTIAL
dash_mapgpt_ble_scan_devicesScan for PTT buttons
dash_mapgpt_chat_enabledEnable chat
dash_mapgpt_conversation_id_labelConversation ID
dash_mapgpt_hvac_temperatureTemperature set to %1$d
dash_mapgpt_ids_clearClear MapGPT ids
dash_mapgpt_local_chat_stateLocal chat: %s
dash_mapgpt_profile_errorError setting requested llm profile.
dash_mapgpt_profile_successLlm profile updated.
dash_mapgpt_session_id_labelMapGPT Session ID
dash_mapgpt_show_current_tackShow current track in the carousel
dash_mapgpt_use_local_chatAlways use local chat
dash_mapgpt_use_local_ttsUse Local TTS
dash_mapgpt_user_id_labelUser ID
dash_mapgpt_voice_navigationEnable MapGPT
dash_mapgpt_wake_word_enabledStart MapGPT by saying "Hey\u00A0Dash"
dash_media_centerMedia CenterButton to tap to switch to the audio app
dash_minute_longminAbbreviation for 'minutes'
dash_minute_shortmSingle letter abbreviation for 'minutes'
dash_mostly_clear_textMostly Clear
dash_no_content_availableNo Content Available
dash_no_data_subtitleConnect to WiFi or contact OnStar to check your data availability
dash_no_data_titleNo data available
dash_no_gps_signalGPS signal not foundMessage when GPS signal is not found
dash_no_signal_close_appClose applicationButton to close app
dash_no_signal_or_data_subtitleContact an OnStar advisor for support
dash_no_signal_or_data_titleNo signal, or out of data
dash_no_signal_titleNo signalMessage when no signal is available
dash_no_subscription_buttonCloseButton to close out of subscription message.
dash_no_subscription_descriptionTo purchase a plan, push the blue OnStar button.Message explaining how to purchase a subscription
dash_no_subscription_titleMaps+ requires an applicable connected service plan.Message when trying to open app without correct subscription
dash_no_textNoButton for 'No'
dash_not_available_while_drivingThis option is not available while driving.Message shown when trying to search while driving
dash_onboarding_messageNavigating the Future\nwith AI
dash_onboarding_startLet’s start
dash_open_hours_closed_untilClosed until %sLabel showing whether POI is open or closed
dash_open_hours_closes_in_x_minCloses in %d minLabel showing whether POI is open or closed
dash_open_hours_open_alwaysOpen 24 hoursLabel showing whether POI is open or closed
dash_open_hours_permanently_closedPermanently closedLabel showing whether POI is open or closed
dash_open_hours_temporarily_closedTemporarily closedLabel showing whether POI is open or closed
dash_open_hours_today_open_untilOpen until %sLabel showing whether POI is open or closed
dash_open_spotifyOpen Spotify
dash_otherOtherFeedback button
dash_park_to_setup_mapsPlease park for app setup.Message shown when trying to open app while driving
dash_partly_cloudyPartly Cloudy
dash_partly_sunny_t_storms_textPartly Sunny w/T-storms
dash_payment_enabledPayment enabled
dash_pitchMap pitch: %.2f
dash_place_is_closedThis place\nis closedFeedback button
dash_plug_and_charge_descriptionPlug in your vehicle to DC Fast Charger and start charging automatically
dash_plug_and_charge_titlePlug & Charge
dash_poi_card_ev_charge_unknown_powerUnknown power
dash_poi_card_lable_park_to_see_more_detailsPark to see more details
dash_poi_card_title_description_where_to_find_stationWhere to find station
dash_privacy_policyI consent to collection and use of my microphone (including voice inputs) and location data in accordance with the ^1\u0020
dash_privacy_policy_linkPrivacy policy
dash_promotions_activePromotions Active
dash_rain_and_snow_textRain and Snow
dash_reconnectingReconnecting…Message shown when app is attempting to reconnect to internet
dash_record_audio_permission_canceledPermission canceled
dash_record_audio_permission_refusedPermission refused
dash_resume_guidance_to_multiple_placeWould you like to resume guidance to %1$s and %2$s? Message asking if driver wants to resume route on reopening app
dash_resume_guidance_to_single_placeWould you like to resume guidance to %1$s?Message asking if driver wants to resume route on reopening app
dash_road_closedRoad\nClosedFeedback button
dash_road_is_missingRoad Is\nMissingFeedback button
dash_route_overviewRoute overviewButton to show route overview
dash_route_rebuiltRoute rebuilt
dash_routeline_traffic_toggle_infoShow Route Traffic on the MapToggle to show/hide traffic on the map when AG is active
dash_routing_avoid_ferriesAvoid FerriesRouting option toggle to avoid ferries when driving
dash_routing_avoid_highwaysAvoid HighwaysRouting option toggle to avoid highways when driving
dash_routing_avoid_tollsAvoid TollsRouting option toggle to avoid tolls when driving
dash_safe_area_toggle_infoShow Safe AreaToggle to show/hide safe area over the map
dash_same_timesame timeLabel showing on alternative route line
dash_scan_qr_code_infoScan the QR code and follow the instructions
dash_screen_fpsScreen FPS: %d
dash_search_areaSearch this areaButton to search a new area when you pan the map
dash_search_driving_limit_messageSome of the elements are hidden while driving.Message shown on search card if user is driving
dash_search_feedback_titleReport an issueButton to report an issue on a POI
dash_search_hintSearchPrompt provided on search screen before a user has typed in a search query.
dash_search_results_feedback_textI can't find what I'm looking forButton for when user can't find what they're looking for in search
dash_search_suggestion_chargingChargingButton shown on screen offering to show nearby EV charging stations
dash_search_suggestion_gasGasButton shown on screen offering to show nearby gas stations
dash_search_suggestion_parkingParkingButton shown on screen offering to show parkings
dash_settings_3d_map3D MapToggle to switch off/on 3D map style
dash_settings_3d_terrain3D TerrainToggle to switch off/on 3d terrain
dash_settings_about_settingsAboutButton to enter "About" in settings pane
dash_settings_attributionAttributionButton for to see attribution in settings pane
dash_settings_autoAutoButton for switching to auto mode theme
dash_settings_auto_detailsThe theme changes at sunrise and sunset
dash_settings_credits_and_acknoledgementsCredits & Acknowledgements
dash_settings_darkDarkButton for switching to night mode theme
dash_settings_debug_settingsDebug MenuButton to enter "Debug menu" in settings pane
dash_settings_ev_routingEV Routing OptionsButton to change ev routing options
dash_settings_lightLightButton for switching to day mode theme
dash_settings_map_gpt_settingsVoice AssistantButton to change map gpt settings
dash_settings_play_voice_ttsPlay (TTS)
dash_settings_privacy_policyPrivacy Policy
dash_settings_routingRouting OptionsButton to change routing options
dash_settings_satellite_modeSatellite modeToggle to switch off/on satellite mode
dash_settings_settingsSettingsTitle for Settings pane
dash_settings_speed_limitsSpeed LimitsToggle to show/hide speed limits
dash_settings_systemSystemButton for switching to system mode theme
dash_settings_system_detailsYour device's setting
dash_settings_termsAdditional user termsButton for to see additional user terms in settings pane
dash_settings_terms_of_serviceTerms of Service
dash_settings_traffic_settingsTrafficButton to change traffic settings
dash_settings_voice_instructionsVoice InstructionsToggle to switch off/on voice instructions
dash_settings_voice_testVoice instructions
dash_show_playlistsShow Playlists
dash_simulating_locationSimulating location
dash_speed_km_per_hour_shortkm/hAbbreviation for kilometers per hour
dash_speed_meter_per_second_shortmpsAbbreviation for meters per second
dash_speed_miles_per_hour_shortmphAbbreviation for miles per hour
dash_station_availablestation available
dash_station_unavailablestation unavailable
dash_success_loggged_in_messageYou've successfully logged in
dash_terms_acceptAcceptButton to accept additional terms
dash_terms_accept_termsAccept additional termsCheck-box to accept additional terms
dash_terms_and_conditionsI agree to ^1\u0020
dash_terms_and_conditions_linkTerms and conditions
dash_terms_declineDecline (Exit App)Button to decline additional terms
dash_terms_descriptionThis app requires vehicle location, and uses your vehicle speed and fuel level to provide predictive navigation services. Additional terms apply.Explanation of user terms
dash_terms_detail_okOKButton to accept message
dash_terms_licenseMap Data © Mapbox © OpenStreetMapMap attribution statement
dash_terms_parking_textPlease park to view.Message shown when trying to view terms and conditions while driving
dash_terms_show_detailsViewButton to view additional terms
dash_terms_titleAdditional User TermsMenu item to view additional user terms
dash_time_to_charging_percentTime to 80%
dash_tornado_textTornadoMapbox weather types
dash_unlocking_charger_connected_helpDid you know you can now minimize the screen and browse nearby?
dash_unlocking_failureCouldn't unlock
dash_unlocking_failure_helpCharger is not responding. Try again or park near any other available charger.
dash_unlocking_plug_inPlug in to start
dash_unlocking_plug_in_helpDetecting if the charger is connected
dash_unlocking_plug_in_manual_helpIs the charger connected?
dash_unlocking_progress_helpYou can start in just a few seconds
dash_user_idUserId: %s
dash_waypoint_continue_navigationContinue to next stop?Button to continue navigation after arriving at waypoint
dash_waypoint_continue_navigation_textContinueButton to continue navigation after arriving at waypoint
dash_waypoints_swap_orderSwap orderButton to swap order of the destination and the stop on the route
dash_weather_degree_high_templateH: %1$d\u00B0
dash_weather_degree_low_templateL: %1$d\u00B0
dash_where_to_find_stationWhere to find stationAbbreviation - DC fast charging
dash_wrong_entranceWrong\nEntranceFeedback button
dash_wrong_lane_guidanceWrong Lane\nGuidanceFeedback button
dash_wrong_locationWrong\nLocationFeedback button
dash_wrong_speed_limitWrong\nSpeed limitFeedback button
dash_wrong_street_nameWrong\nStreet\nNameFeedback button
dash_yes_textYesButton for 'Yes'
dash_you_have_arrivedLooks like you\’ve arrivedMessage when you arrive to your destination
dash_zoomMap zoom: %.2f

String plurals

one%d charger
other%d chargers
oneLevel 2 charger %s
otherLevel 2 chargers %s
Abbreviation - Level 2 charging
one%s Level 2 charger
other%s Level 2 chargers
Abbreviation - Level 2 charging
oneDC Fast charger %s
otherDC Fast chargers %s
Abbreviation - DC fast charging
one%s DC Fast charger
other%s DC Fast chargers