

Not compatible with the Maps SDK v10
This plugin is not compatible with the Maps SDK v10 or higher. Learn more in the Maps SDK for Android documentation.

The Traffic Plugin for Android adds a real-time traffic layer to any Mapbox base map. If you want to display a traffic layer inside your application, you only need to include the dependency in your project and initialize the plugin. Various shades of colors show the congestion level for any given part of a road segment. The plugin will not show road information if there's not enough traffic data available for a given road.

Like other plugins, the traffic plugin's constructor can receive the ID of the layer in which you want the traffic to display below. If the layer below ID isn't in the constructor, the plugin will try to place the traffic below all SymbolLayers so that text and icons on the map are still visible on top of the traffic lines. It is always a good idea to pass in a string ID rather than relying on the plugin to try to place the traffic below a SymbolLayer because it isn't guaranteed to work properly.

Install the Traffic Plugin

To start developing an application using the Traffic Plugin, you'll need to add the appropriate dependencies inside your build.gradle file. This dependency includes the Maps SDK for Android. You can find all dependencies given on MavenCentral.

Android's 64K method count limit
If your application is over the 64K method limit, you can shrink, obfuscate, and optimize your code with R8 or ProGuard. If those steps do not lower your method count below 64K, you can also enable multidex.

Add the dependency

  1. Start Android Studio.
  2. Open up your application's build.gradle.
  3. Make sure that your project's minSdkVersion is API 14 or higher.
  4. Under dependencies, add a new build rule for the latest mapbox-android-plugin-traffic-v9.
  5. Click the Sync Project with Gradle Files near the toolbar in Studio.
repositories {

dependencies {
implementation 'com.mapbox.mapboxsdk:mapbox-android-plugin-traffic-v9:0.10.0'

Add traffic

It's necessary to initialize the plugin either inside onStyleLoaded() (recommended) or in another place you know the MapboxMap, MapView, and Style objects won't be null. Once initialized, passing true through setVisibility() will show the traffic layer on the map.

mapboxMap.setStyle(Style.MAPBOX_STREETS, new Style.OnStyleLoaded() {
public void onStyleLoaded(@NonNull Style style) {

TrafficPlugin trafficPlugin = new TrafficPlugin(mapView, mapboxMap, style);

Traffic plugin

See how to install and use the Traffic Plugin.

Check visibility

The plugin also has a visibility getter method to check whether the traffic layer is visible on the map.

boolean trafficShowingOnMap = trafficPlugin.setVisibility(true);

Traffic colors

The table below provides information for each color displayed in the plugin's traffic layer and what the corresponding congestion level is.

ColorHex valueCongestion level