

Not compatible with the Maps SDK v10
This plugin is not compatible with the Maps SDK v10 or higher. The Maps SDK v10 and higher comes with localization functionality built in. See the Localization documentation.

The Localization Plugin for Android is an excellent option for adjusting your Android project's map experience according to the individual user's preferences. The plugin:

  • Automatically detects the set language on the Android device and changes map text to that language. The plugin can change map text based on the Android device's language preference, but it also provides methods to programmatically change the text to a language independent of what the user set their device's language to. For example, if a user sets their phone to French but, they meet a Spanish-only speaking person, your app could provide a way for the French speaker to switch the map to Spanish temporarily. The map can then be switched back to French once their interaction is over.
  • Adjusts the map camera to an area of the world that is associated with the device's set language. For example, say that the user set their device to German. The plugin can detect this so that when the map begins, the map camera's target is focused on Germany.

Install the Localization Plugin

To start developing an application using the Localization Plugin, you'll need to add the appropriate dependencies inside of your build.gradle. The Localization Plugin dependency includes the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android. You can find all dependencies given below on MavenCentral.

Android's 64K method count limit
If your application is over the 64K method limit, you can shrink, obfuscate, and optimize your code with R8 or ProGuard. If those steps do not lower your method count below 64K, you can also enable multidex.

Add the dependency

  1. Start Android Studio.
  2. Open up your application's build.gradle.
  3. Make sure that your project's minSdkVersion is API 14 or higher.
  4. Under dependencies, add a new build rule for the latest mapbox-android-plugin-localization-v9.
  5. Click the Sync Project with Gradle Files near the toolbar in Studio.
repositories {

dependencies {
implementation 'com.mapbox.mapboxsdk:mapbox-android-plugin-localization-v9:0.12.0'

Initialize the plugin

The plugin's constructor requires a MapView and MapboxMap object. You should initialize the plugin within the onMapReady() method to be sure that the plugin is receiving a mapboxMap that's completely ready.

mapView.getMapAsync(new OnMapReadyCallback() {
public void onMapReady(@NonNull MapboxMap mapboxMap) {
mapboxMap.setStyle(Style.MAPBOX_STREETS, new Style.OnStyleLoaded() {
public void onStyleLoaded(@NonNull Style style) {

LocalizationPlugin localizationPlugin = new LocalizationPlugin(mapView, mapboxMap, style);


Use MapLocale

The MapLocale class powers much of the Localization Plugin and increases its flexibility. The class doesn't extend the Android system's Locale class, but rather, interacts with the Locale class in the form of a key/value HashMap. The plugin supports all the same default locales found inside the Locale class.

More generally, the MapLocale class handles the retrieval of map languages and bounding boxes for regions that your app might interact with. The MapLocale object can be used to get the matching Locale's map language. This is useful for translating the map language into one found in the Languages interface.

A handful of MapLocale objects are already constructed and offered through this class as static variables. If a country is missing and you'd like to add it, you can use one of the MapLocale constructors to build a valid map locale. Once complete, you need to add it to the Locale cache using MapLocale.addMapLocale(Locale, MapLocale) where the first parameter is the Locale object which matches up with your newly created MapLocale.

Match map with device language

As described above, the plugin's main benefit is its ability to detect the device's language and change the map text to use that language. The quickest way to do this is using the matchMapLanguageWithDeviceDefault() method.

Calling this method should happen within a try/catch statement because matchMapLanguageWithDeviceDefault() can throw a NullPointerException. This NullPointerException occurs when the device's Locale has no matching MapLocale object. You need to create an instance of MapLocale and add it to the MapLocale cache (LOCAL_SET) using the addMapLocale() method.

mapView.getMapAsync(new OnMapReadyCallback() {
public void onMapReady(@NonNull MapboxMap mapboxMap) {
mapboxMap.setStyle(Style.MAPBOX_STREETS, new Style.OnStyleLoaded() {
public void onStyleLoaded(@NonNull Style style) {

LocalizationPlugin localizationPlugin = new LocalizationPlugin(mapView, mapboxMap, style);

try {
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
Log.d(TAG, exception.toString());


Set map language

The plugin overloads the setMapLanguage() method with three different parameter options.

setMapLanguage(String language)A string that is the language tag for the Mapbox-support language that you want to change the map too. You can find a list of supported language tags  in the MapLocale class.
setMapLanguage(@NonNull Locale locale)The Locale object that is part of the Android platform. If you'd like to set the map language to a specific locale, you can pass it in as a parameter and MapLocale will try matching the information with one of the MapLocales found in its map. If one isn't found a null point exception will occur. To prevent this, make sure that the locale you are trying to use, has a complementary MapLocale for it.
setMapLanguage(@NonNull MapLocale mapLocale)The MapLocale object that is part of the plugin. For example, localizationPlugin.setMapLanguage(MapLocale.GERMAN).

Adjust the map camera

A LatLngBounds bounding box isn't required to create a MapLocale instance. But, the plugin's setCameraToLocaleCountry() method can be used if the MapLocale has a LatLngBounds bounding box. For example, here is the plugin's bounding box for Germany:

private static final LatLngBounds GERMANY_BBOX = new LatLngBounds.Builder()
.include(new LatLng(55.055637, 5.865639))
.include(new LatLng(47.275776, 15.039889)).build();

It is used in creating the Germany MapLocale:

public static final MapLocale GERMANY = new MapLocale("name_de", GERMANY_BBOX);

Setting the camera:

try {
} catch (RuntimeException exception) {
Log.d(TAG, exception.toString());

Calling the setCameraToLocaleCountry() method should happen within a try/catch statement because setCameraToLocaleCountry() can throw a NullPointerException. If the MapLocale object was expecting to have a LatLngBounds bounding box but received null instead, this will cause a NullPointerException.
