

A newer version of the Maps SDK is available
This page uses v9.7.1 of the Mapbox Maps SDK. A newer version of the SDK is available. Learn about the latest version, v11.7.1, in the Maps SDK documentation.

Often, you might find your user base spends most of its time off the grid. The Maps SDK enables you to download and store selected regions for usage when the device goes offline. The result of downloading the map is a fully functional map using your styles, tiles, and other resources inside the downloaded region.

Offline Plugin
A user's device won't always have a strong enough internet connection to download and view map tiles. You might want to build an offline mode into your Android project to account for this situation. The Mapbox Offline Plugin for Android is a convenient way to send information to the Maps SDK's OfflineManager class and use the manager in a background service to download map tiles for offline use. Once the offline download region is defined and initialized, the plugin handles everything else for you. Because the plugin uses a service, the downloading continues even when your application is running in the background.


An app can download multiple regions for offline use, but the total offline download is capped at a maximum tile count "ceiling" across all downloaded regions. The SDK sets the tile ceiling to 6,000 tiles per end user by default, but you can adjust this per-user limit. Six thousand tiles cover a region roughly the size of Greater London within the M25 motorway at zoom levels 015 or the contiguous United States at zoom levels 09. The size of these tiles on disk will vary according to the selected style.

The Maps SDK places no limit on the number of offline regions that can be created, as long as the cumulative number of tiles used does not exceed the default or custom tile limit. Your Mapbox-powered application will reuse tiles and resources that are required by multiple regions, conserving network traffic and disk space. For information on how to increase your offline tile limit, see the Adjust the tile limit per user section of this guide. Note that you will be billed by Vector Tile API or Raster Tile API requests if either service's monthly free tier is exceeded. See the Offline maps pricing section for details.

The SDK also places no limit on the download speed of offline regions, nor to disk space used by offline resources. The limits will depend on the storage capacity of the mobile device and the speed of the network to which it is connected.

Our terms of service do not allow you or an end user to redistribute offline maps downloaded from Mapbox servers.

Pricing for offline maps

For information about how offline maps are priced for the Maps SDK, see our pricing guide.

Automatic tile updates

The Maps SDK downloads tiles when any connection is available, including over regular mobile data (2G, 3G, 4G, etc.). Because only individual highly-optimized tiles download, there is no risk of the user incurring an unexpected 100 MB download by opening the map in a region that's already downloaded unless they are browsing 100 MB worth of tiles.

When the SDK automatically updates offline map tiles, the offline region is not re-download from scratch. The offline tile update process is the same process as with regular map tiles: The map tile is only downloaded if there is a new version of that tile.

Defining a region

Before a region can be used offline, the resources necessary for that region must be downloaded. Based on the parameters you specify when creating the region, the SDK calculates all resource requirements such as fonts, styles, and vector tiles covering the region. If more than one region in the offline database contains the fonts and styles, these will not be re-downloaded when another region's downloaded.

First, you'll need to get the offlineManager instance, define the region to download, and finally create the definition object. It's important to note a few things:

  • The offline map style must match the one being used for your mapView.
  • The definition needs the device's screen density and you should get this from the activities resources.
  • The bounds used for the download must not go over the 6,000 tile limit.

// Set up the OfflineManager
OfflineManager offlineManager = OfflineManager.getInstance(MainActivity.this);

// Create a bounding box for the offline region
LatLngBounds latLngBounds = new LatLngBounds.Builder()
.include(new LatLng(37.7897, -119.5073)) // Northeast
.include(new LatLng(37.6744, -119.6815)) // Southwest

// Define the offline region
OfflineTilePyramidRegionDefinition definition = new OfflineTilePyramidRegionDefinition(


Providing a metadata object is encouraged with at least a region name so that various regions your user's download will be distinguishable. Besides the region name, you can store any arbitrary binary region information you'd like. The contents are opaque to the SDK implementation and won't affect your offline region download, it only stores and retrieves a byte array.

// Implementation that uses JSON to store Yosemite National Park as the offline region name.
byte[] metadata;
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
jsonObject.put(JSON_FIELD_REGION_NAME, "Yosemite National Park");
String json = jsonObject.toString();
metadata = json.getBytes(JSON_CHARSET);
} catch (Exception exception) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to encode metadata: " + exception.getMessage());
metadata = null;

Besides creating the metadata, you can also update the information stored, allowing your users, for example, to update the region name. The offlineManager object provides a method called updateMetadata which takes in both the updated metadata byte array and a callback to be notified when the update is completed, or an error occurs.

Download a region

Now that the bounds and definition object are created, you can use the offlineManager to create an asynchronous download calling createOfflineRegion. You'll need to pass in the definition and metadata objects you created in both the Defining a region and metadata sections. This will provide you with two methods, onCreate and onError. onError occurs if an error starting or while downloading the region occurs. The onCreate method provides an offlineRegion object which you can use to check the download and even display the progress to your users. If you need to pause a download, you can use the offlineRegion.setDownloadState() to handle this.

// Create the region asynchronously
offlineManager.createOfflineRegion(definition, metadata,
new OfflineManager.CreateOfflineRegionCallback() {
public void onCreate(OfflineRegion offlineRegion) {

// Monitor the download progress using setObserver
offlineRegion.setObserver(new OfflineRegion.OfflineRegionObserver() {
public void onStatusChanged(OfflineRegionStatus status) {

// Calculate the download percentage
double percentage = status.getRequiredResourceCount() >= 0
? (100.0 * status.getCompletedResourceCount() / status.getRequiredResourceCount()) :

if (status.isComplete()) {
// Download complete
Log.d(TAG, "Region downloaded successfully.");
} else if (status.isRequiredResourceCountPrecise()) {
Log.d(TAG, percentage);

public void onError(OfflineRegionError error) {
// If an error occurs, print to logcat
Log.e(TAG, "onError reason: " + error.getReason());
Log.e(TAG, "onError message: " + error.getMessage());

public void mapboxTileCountLimitExceeded(long limit) {
// Notify if offline region exceeds maximum tile count
Log.e(TAG, "Mapbox tile count limit exceeded: " + limit);

public void onError(String error) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error: " + error);

Managing downloaded regions

Once you or your user has downloaded a region, the Maps SDK provides a few options to handle gathering a list, positioning the camera inside the downloaded region, and a method for deletion of a region.

List offline regions

The listing of regions is useful for presenting downloaded information to your user or gathering information inside the code itself. The offlineManager offers a listOfflineRegions method which provides both a method onList and onError. Use the OfflineRegion array to do all the actions in a specific region.

// Get the region bounds and zoom and move the camera.
LatLngBounds bounds = ((OfflineTilePyramidRegionDefinition)
double regionZoom = ((OfflineTilePyramidRegionDefinition)

// Create new camera position
CameraPosition cameraPosition = new CameraPosition.Builder()

// Move camera to new position

Delete region

To remove an offline region from the database, you'll need to first receive the list of offline regions as explained in the earlier section. The onList method will provide you with an array of the present offline regions downloaded on the device, this object being the offlineRegions. You'll then use this object to select the region to be deleted and call delete on it, which will provide you with a callback to be notified when the region is successfully deleted or if an error occurs.

Deleting a region will result in also removing the least recently requested resources not required by other regions until the database shrinks below a certain size.

offlineRegions[0].delete(new OfflineRegion.OfflineRegionDeleteCallback() {
public void onDelete() {
// Once the region is deleted, remove the
// progressBar and display a toast
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Region deleted", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

public void onError(String error) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error: " + error);

Adjust the tile limit per user

For the Maps SDK for Android v8.3.0 and higher, there are no hard limits to the number of tiles your users can download. But because you are responsible for the cost of all tiles downloaded by your users, you may want to set an offline tile limit.

By default, the offline tile limit is set to 6,000. This means each of your users can download 6,000 tiles for offline use. To increase or decrease the number of offline tiles your users can download, you can set the offline tile limit by calling setOfflineMapboxTileCountLimit.