Examples準備はできましたか?無料アカウントを作成して、Mapboxでの構築を始めましょう。サインアップ追加の開発者リソースMapbox開発者ディスコード開発者チートシートマップボックスサポートAIに質問A newer version of the Maps SDK is availableThis page uses v9.7.1 of the Mapbox Maps SDK. A newer version of the SDK is available. Learn about the latest version, v11.10.2, in the Maps SDK documentation.FiltersSearch Topics All topicsCameraData visualizationDevice locationDynamic stylingExtrusionsGetting startedImage generationMap styleOfflineQuerying the mapUser interactionCreate a simple map viewLearn how to quickly display a Mapbox Street map in your app.Dynamically build a map viewAdd a mapview in a dynamically created layout.Support map fragmentInclude a map fragment within your app using Android support library.A simple offline mapDownload and view an offline map using the Mapbox Maps SDK.Add a new layer below labelsUsing the second argument of addLayer, you can be more precise.Add a vector tile sourceAdd a vector source to a map and display it as a layer.Add a WMS sourceAdding an external Web Map Service layer to the map.Adjust a layer's opacityDrag the seek bar to adjust the opacity of a raster layer on top of a map.Adjust light location and colorChange the location and color of the light shined on extrusions.Adjust text labelsAdjust the color, size, and fonts of SymbolLayer text fields.Animate marker positionAnimate the marker to a new position on the map.Animate the map cameraAnimate the map's camera position, tilt, bearing, and zoom.Animated icon movementUse Android system interpolators to animate SymbolLayer icons movement.Animated image source (GIF)Show an animated image (GIF) anywhere on the map.Background fogAdd a gradient on top of a MapView to show a background fog effect.Baseball spray chartUse the Maps SDK and filters to explore baseball data.Basic pulsing locationShow the basic LocationComponent pulsing circle.Biometric fingerprintUse the Android system's fingerprint unlock to reveal "personal" data on a map.Building outlineQuery the building layer and show a building's outline.Button interaction stylingChange various properties of a map based on user interaction and other runtime situations.Cache managementExplore the various ways to manage the Maps SDK cache.Calendar integrationShow calendar event locations on the map.Change a layer's colorUsing layer set to change a layer's fill color.Change a map's languageSwitch the maps language dynamically.Circle icon toggleUse layer filters and feature properties to create the visual effect of toggling between circles and icons when they're tapped on.Circle radiusSet the radii of a circle layer's circles based on a data property.Circle to icon transitionUse expressions to create a smooth visual transition from circles to icons.CircleLayer clustersUse GeoJSON and circle layers to visualize point data in clusters.Click on single layerClick on and highlight a selected GeoJSON polygon.Click to add photoSelect a photo on the device and add it on the map tap location.Color dependent on zoom levelMake a property depend on the map zoom level, in this case, the water layers fill color.Create a line layerCreate a GeoJSON line source, style it using properties, and add the layer to the map.Create hotspots from pointsUse the Mapbox Maps SDK to visualize point data as hotspots.Custom pulsing locationSee how to customize the LocationComponent pulsing circle's color, speed, and opacity.Customized location iconUse LocationComponent options to customize the user location information.Data time lapseUse data-driven styling to visualize point data with a time lapse effect; rainfall in China in this example.Default stylesUse a variety of professionally designed styles with the Mapbox Maps SDK.Display 3D building height based on vector dataUse extrusions to display 3D building height based on imported vector data.Display water depthUse data-driven styling to show bathymetry (water depth) data.Draw a GeoJSON lineDraw a polyline by parsing a GeoJSON file with the Mapbox Maps SDK.Draw a polygonDraw a vector polygon on a map with the Mapbox Maps SDK.Draw a polygon with holesDraw a vector polygon with holes on a map using the Mapbox Maps SDK.Draw multiple geometriesFilter and draw multiple geometries from a single GeoJSON file.Drawing search areaDrag a finger on the map to draw a search area.Extrude polygons for 3D indoor mappingCreate a 3D indoor map with the fill-extrude-height paint property.Feature countGet the feature count inside a bounding box and highlight all the buildings.Fit camera in bounding boxPosition the camera so that all the given markers are in view.Highlighted lineTap on a line and add a highlight effect behind it.HillshadingUse elevation data to show and customize hills and mountains.Icon setting based on Feature propertyCreate a SymbolLayer and set the iconId to be dependent on each Feature's property key-value pair.Icon update based on API responseSee the International Space Station location in real time.Indoor MapDisplay an indoor map of a building with toggles to switch between floor levels.Inset mapShow a smaller inset map fragment and link it to a larger map for two map interaction. Great for gaming.Join local JSON data with vector tile geometriesStyle a choropleth map by merging local JSON data with vector tile geometries.Line behind moving iconDraw a line behind a moving SymbolLayer icon which moves along a Mapbox Directions API route.Line gradientStyle a line with colored gradient.Local style or custom raster styleLoad a locally stored map style JSON file or custom raster style via a URL.Location camera optionsUse LocationComponent camera options to customize map camera behavior.Location pickerDrop a marker at a specific location and then perform reverse geocoding.Mapbox Studio styleUse a custom Mapbox-hosted style.Marker following routeUsing a map matched GeoJSON route, the marker travels along the route at consistent speed.Multiple expressionsUse multiple expressions to convert and visualize data.Multiple text formatsUse a format expression to style labels with multiple languages, fonts, sizes, and colors.Offline managerDownload, view, navigate to, and delete an offline region.Opacity fadeAdjust the opacity of a satellite raster layer based on zoom level.Outlined polygon holeOutline a polygon hole to highlight a revealed region.Picture in pictureUse the Android O release of picture-in-picture to maintain a map in a separate window.Pulsing layer opacityUse the style API to highlight parks, hotels, and attractions. A pulsing animation is also added to the colors.Query a map featureClick the map to add a marker at the location and display the maps property information for that feature.RecyclerView DirectionsQuickly show the directions route associated with a RecyclerView item.RecyclerView interactionManipulate the map based on recyclerview interactions.Restrict map panningPrevent a map from being panned to a different place.Rotate and tilt with 3D buildingsRotate and tilt device to change camera and see all around 3D buildings.Rotating cameraSlowly have the camera circle around a single point.Satellite land selectView satellite photos and click to outline an area of land.Search again in an areaSearch for certain features once the map is moved. This example finds parks.Select a buildingUse the query feature to select a building, get its geometry and draw a polygon highlighting it.Share snapshot imageSend and share a map snapshot image.Shared preferencesUse the Android system's Shared Preferences to save and retrieve coordinates.Show a user's locationUse the LocationComponent to show the user's current location on the map.Show a user's location on a map fragmentUse the LocationComponent to display a user's location on a map fragment.Show and hide layersCreate a custom layer switcher to display different datasets.Show heatmap dataAdd and customize a heatmap to visualize data.Show time lapseUse an image source and a runnable to show data changes over time.Snaking directionsRather than showing the directions route all at once, have it 'snake' from the origin to destination.Snapshot NotificationShow a snapshotted image in a notification.Spinning iconUse a ValueAnimator to adjust SymbolLayer icons' rotation values and create a spinning effect.Style attributionAdjust the attribution "i" to match a map style, app UI, or color motif.Style circles categoricallyUsing a categorical circle-color property function for a visualization.Style lines using an identity property functionUsing an identity line-color property function for a visualization.Style with missing iconProvide an icon when a Style failed to load one.Styling heatmapsGain minute control over heatmap coloring.Symbol layer icon size changeQuery the map and animate the change in a SymbolLayer icon's size if clicked on.Symbol layer iconsUse a SymbolLayer to display icons on the map.Symbol layer info windowUse SymbolLayer and icons to show data in a BubbleLayout "info window".SymbolLayer clusteringUse GeoJSON and SymbolLayer icons to view clustered images.SymbolLayer iconsAdd markers via SymbolLayer and manipulate the data in real time. A Mapillary integration is also showcased in this example.Text anchor positionAdjust the anchor position of SymbolLayer text fields.Toggle collision detectionAllow or deny text and icons to overlap and collide.Track device locationReceive updates when the device changes location.Transparent render surfaceCreate a transparent background and fill it with something such as moving water.Update a choropleth layer by zoom levelStyle a choropleth map with data-driven styling, local JSON data, and vector tile geometries.Use an image sourceUse an image source to easily display images on the map.Use GeoJSON data to set extrusion heightUse data-driven styling and GeoJSON data to set extrusion heights.Variable label placementTo increase the chance of high-priority labels staying visible, provide the map renderer a list of preferred text anchor positions.Zoom to show a cluster's leavesTap on a cluster and adjust the camera bounds to show the cluster's leaves.Zoom-based icon switchChange SymbolLayer icons based on the camera's zoom level.準備はできましたか?無料アカウントを作成して、Mapboxでの構築を始めましょう。サインアップ追加の開発者リソースMapbox開発者ディスコード開発者チートシートマップボックスサポートAIに質問