
Static Image

The Mapbox Static Images API returns static maps and raster tiles from styles in the Mapbox Style Specification. Static maps are standalone images that can be displayed in an ImageView without the aid of a mapping library or API. They look like an embedded map without interactivity or controls. Specific to the Java API, it builds the request URL for you.

For more information about this API, including its pricing structure, see the Mapbox Static Images API documentation.

Building the URL

To begin with, you'll need to create a new instance of the MapboxStaticMap object and use its builder to customize your image request. The options offered in the builder include anything from setting the latitude and longitude to adding markers and other annotations. The image width and height are important parameters for displaying the correct aspect ratio inside of your application's ImageView. Oftentimes, you'll will want to check if your user's device supports retina or not by using getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density.

MapboxStaticMap staticImage = MapboxStaticMap.builder()
.cameraPoint(Point.fromLngLat(longitude, latitude)) // Image's centerpoint on map
.width(320) // Image width
.height(320) // Image height
.retina(true) // Retina 2x image will be returned


Use the StaticMapCriteria class to conveniently reference certain Strings (including map styles and pin sizes) as you build the MapboxStaticMap.builder() object. Using the StaticMapCriteria class helps make sure that you pass correctly formatted parameters.

When retrieving a style URL, you must use StaticMapCriteria. Do not use the Maps SDK's Style class to retrieve a style URL.

When adding pin overlays to a static image, you can use the StaticMapCriteria class to make sure you're using the exact string needed to specify the marker pin size.


An overlay is data that can be applied on top of a static map at request time. These are comma separated and can be either valid GeoJSON, a marker, a custom marker, or polyline. Overlays cannot consist of more than 100 features. The maximum overlay length is 2083 characters. The order of the features dictates their Z-order on the page. The last item in the list will have the highest Z-order (will overlap the other features in the list), and the first item in the list will have the lowest (will appear below other features).

The following methods can be used with the MapboxStaticMap.builder() to add overlays to a static map image:

staticMarkerAnnotationsA list of marker annotations that can be placed on the static map image during the image rendering process.
staticPolylineAnnotations A list of polyline annotations that can be placed on the static map image during the image rendering process.
geoJson A GeoJSON object that is a specific annotation which will be placed on the static map. The GeoJSON must be a value.

Downloading the image

After creating the MapboxStaticImage instance with all your customization parameters, you'll need to handle downloading the image directly into your application so it is displayed properly to the user. The Mapbox Java SDK doesn't offer any sort of image downloading/loading APIs, you can use a third party library such as Picasso or Glide rather than an asynchronous task. With Picasso, you can download the static map image with only a few lines of code.

String imageUrl = staticImage.url().toString();