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Before starting to develop your application with the Mapbox Maps SDK, you'll need to configure your credentials and add the SDK as a dependency to your project.

Configure credentials


If you plan to install the SDK via direct download from your Mapbox account you do not need to configure a secret token. You will still need to configure a public token.

Before installing the SDK, you will need to gather the appropriate credentials.

The SDK requires two pieces of sensitive information from your Mapbox account. You can sign up if you do not have an account.

  • A public access token: from your account's tokens page, you can either copy your default public token or click the Create a token button to create a new public token.
  • A secret access token with the Downloads:Read scope.
    1. From your account's tokens page, click the Create a token button.
    2. From the token creation page, give your token a name and make sure the box next to the Downloads:Read scope is checked.
    3. Click the Create token button at the bottom of the page to create your token.
    4. The token you've created is a secret token, which means you will only have one opportunity to copy it somewhere secure.

You should not expose these access tokens in publicly-accessible source code where unauthorized users might find them. Instead, you should store them somewhere safe on your computer and make sure they're only added when your app is compiled (see next section).

Configure your secret token

Your secret token enables you to download the SDK directly from Mapbox. To use your secret token, you will need to store it in a .netrc file in your home directory (not your project folder). This approach helps avoid accidentally exposing your secret token by keeping it out of your application's source code. Depending on your environment, you may have this file already, so check first before creating a new one.

Be sure .netrc has the correct filesystem permissions

The .netrc file needs 0600 permissions in order to work properly.

The .netrc file is a plain text file that is used in certain development environments to store credentials used to access remote servers. The login should always be mapbox. It should not be your personal username used to create the secret token. To set up the credentials required to download the SDK, add the following entry to your .netrc file:

login mapbox

Configure your public token

To configure your public access token, open your project's Info.plist file and add a MBXAccessToken key whose value is your public access token.

If you ever need to rotate your access token, you will need to update the token value in your Info.plist file.

Access token best practices

Learn how to keep access tokens private in mobile apps.


Add the dependency

Mapbox provides the Maps SDK via Swift Package Manager, CocoaPods and direct download. You can choose whichever you prefer.

The Mapbox Maps SDK can be installed via Swift Package Manager (SPM). To add the SDK with SPM, you will need to configure your environment to download it from Mapbox. This requires a secret Mapbox access token with the Downloads:Read scope. In a previous step, you added this token to your .netrc file.

  1. Open your Xcode project or workspace, then go to File > Add Packages....
  2. Enter as the URL in the search box. Select the Dependency Rule you want to apply to the Maps SDK and click Add Package.
    • A common choice for Dependency Rule is "Up to Next Major Version", specifying 11.0.0 as the minimum version. To instead install a specific version set the Dependency Rule field to "Exact Version" and insert the desired version. The latest stable version of the Maps SDK is 11.4.0.
  3. In the new window select the MapboxMaps library and click Add Package. Once SPM finishes installing the SDK you will see 4 new dependencies under Package Dependencies: MapboxCommon, MapboxCoreMaps, MapboxMaps, and Turf.
  4. In your code, you can now import MapboxMaps as well as any of the other packages that were downloaded as dependencies.


  • If you need to update your packages select File > Packages > Update To Latest Package Versions
  • Sometimes, artifacts cannot be resolved or errors occur, in these cases select File > Packages > Reset Package Cache
Troubleshooting Mapbox Maps and Navigation SDKs for iOS installation

Learn how to keep access tokens private in mobile apps.


Add a map

You can add a map to your application using either UIKit or SwiftUI. Add the proper snippet and then run your application to see the map.

Insert the following code snippets into your ViewController.

import UIKit
import MapboxMaps

class ViewController: UIViewController {

override public func viewDidLoad() {

let mapView = MapView(frame: view.bounds)
let cameraOptions = CameraOptions(center:
CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 39.5, longitude: -98.0),
zoom: 2, bearing: 0, pitch: 0)
mapView.mapboxMap.setCamera(to: cameraOptions)
mapView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]


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